How To Get Stain Out Of Mattress? Check These 7 Proven Ways

how to get stain out of mattress? check these 7 proven ways

You spend 60% of your time on our mattresses. Whether it be sleeping, playing, working or eating. Mattresses can get dirty from time to time, due to their excessive use, be it a coffee spill or your dog has jumped on it with muddy paws. Spilling red wine on white mattresses can be a nightmare. Even if you’re a clean freak, your mattress is bound to get dirty over time. This blog will help you out in solving your issue.

Learning various kinds of DIY techniques for removing stains can be very beneficial to you for an eternity. With these mattress stain removal tips, you will be able to help a friend or a family member out if they find themselves ever stuck in this same situation. But now the question arises, how to get stain out of mattress? Check these 7 Proven Ways Below! You can check our blog Is it Worth Cleaning a Mattress.

7 Tested Ways On How To Get Stain Out Of Mattress

1. Check Your Mattress Tags

Mattresses come with a tag, the first and foremost point is to check the manufacturer’s warnings if the fabric is sensitive to any solution or some particular kind of bleach. They can also give you some cleaning tips. These tips can help you with cleaning the fabric of your mattress but make sure you check the tag property and try any products over any inconspicuous surface. Here are some letters you’re most likely to encounter:

W – Use water to clean this material.

S – No water required. Purchase a solvent-based cleaner for cleaning.

WS – Use water or a solvent-based cleaner on this sofa.

X – Vacuum only.

2. Use Baking Soda:

Another answer to your question: how to get stain out of mattress? Baking soda can be very helpful in this situation. Start with dabbing the stain with a damp cloth. Sprinkle baking soda over the entire area of the stain and leave it for 20 minutes. Vacuum this baking soda,  then blot the remainder of the stain with rubbing alcohol or vodka. You can also use a small amount of dish soap and scrub it with something soft like a toothbrush and dab it crystal clean with a damp paper towel. Baking soda can help in eliminating any smell as well. This is the most convenient way to clean any kind of stain from any kind of fabric.

3. Go Rubbing Alcohol:

Rubbing alcohol is your go-to option when a stubborn mattress stain is refusing to disappear. Apply rubbing alcohol directly onto the mattress stain and start working on it area-wise. Use any sponge to lightly rub the area and you’ll notice the stain coming off of the mattress.

You can use rubbing alcohol for small ink spots too. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and start cleaning the stain with it. If this doesn’t work then you can apply a layer of non-gel-based cuticle remover. 

4. Vinegar + Detergent:

White vinegar is your saviour when faced with any stain problems. Mix 2 tablespoons of soap detergent, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and a few drops of water. Start working on the stain section by section. Pour the mix over the area and start scrubbing. Repeat this process over other areas until the stain is completely out. This method is the most effective one and is widely used by the majority of people. 

5. Blow Steam Over The Stain:

Some mattress stains can come out just by blowing steam over them if the fabric of your mattress can be cleaned with water-based cleaners. You can try putting a steamer over the stain. When you see the stain disappearing, swipe a paper towel over it so it absorbs the water molecule. Blow dry it with a drier afterwards. This may not work on some stains as it mostly works on small stains. You can encounter a few stubborn Mattress Stain Removal Sydney too that just refuse to come off. As irritating and infuriating as scrubbing might be, doing it again and again can get you a clean mattress. 

6. Cleaning Of Leather Mattresses With Olive Oil

Leather mattresses/couches can be expensive so getting them dirty or any kind of stain can be worrying. But as usual, we have a solution for that too. For cleaning them, mix ½  cup of vinegar with 1 cup of olive oil. Put the mixture into a spray bottle and start spraying the mix over the stain. Start swiping the stain with a soft cloth so you don’t ruin the fabric of your mattress. 

7. Lemon Is Your Friend While Dealing With This Problem:

Leather mattresses can also be cleaner by a solution of one part of tartar with half part of lemon juice. This will form a paste and now you can apply this on any light or dark-coloured stain for about 12 to 15 minutes to make it disappear. Clean the mattress with a damp cloth. But if you’re still unable to get the stain out then you could always send the mattress for dry cleaning to any nearby dry cleaning service.


Patience is the key! Do not rush into the mattress stain cleaning process. Let the fabric absorb the solution or the paste you’re using. Also, give the material enough time to dry when it’s supposed to. For highly stained or expensive mattresses, don’t take any kind of risk, call in an expert for an effective clean. There are multiple professional Mattress Cleaning Sydney services for cleaning the stains you’re unable to remove. Also, you can contact experts for more tips on how to get stain out of mattresses. 

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