Instant Instagram Growth: Quick and Effective Ways to Gain Followers

5 benefits of getting more likes on instagram

Are you interested in instant Instagram growth but need help figuring out how to get started? There are a lot of different ways to increase the number of followers you have on Instagram. Some people buy followers or boost their posts, but these strategies only have a short-term effect and can backfire in the long run. With over 2 billion active users, Instagram has emerged as a social media network for sharing photos and videos. Consequently, marketing on Instagram and having a large number of followers can grow your Instagram following, increase a company’s exposure and visibility, which is beneficial for companies that want to communicate with the customers they are trying to attract.

Top Strategies for Instant Instagram Growth

Here is a list of strategies for instant Instagram growth that won’t blow your budget. These tips have been tried and tested, and they range from increasing the number of likes to posting images of high quality:

1. Have A Strategy and Compile A Content Calendar with A Lot of Inspiring Ideas

When developing great content, our primary focuses are on the ideas, the delivery, and the optimization. It should be the same when it comes to sharing photos and videos on the Instagram account of a company or brand. It is important to think of ideas for engaging content that align with your company’s seasons, holidays, upcoming events, and (most importantly) your overall traffic and sales goals. Despite this, you can remain adaptable and publish posts on the fly whenever inspiration strikes. But if you have a repository of ideas and a (tentative) schedule, you won’t have to scramble to come up with something to post, and you’ll stay ahead of the competition. Posting could be done multiple times a day or multiple times a week, depending on the nature of your company. Therefore, develop a strategy for your Instagram content and stick to it if you want to experience instant Instagram growth.

2. Only Publish Videos and Pictures That Have Good Compositions

When posting to Instagram, companies should only utilize photos and videos of the highest possible quality. I mean high-quality shots by saying they are pixel-free and clear. Instagram is, first and foremost, a platform for visual content. It is against the rules for companies to post blurry images or missing parts of them. Naturally, it can be something other than the standards of National Geographic. It merely needs to be brought into sharp focus. Low-quality content will not get engagement and may even cause you to lose some of your followers.

3. Experiment With Different Filters & Dimensions

There’s no reason why you can’t have some fun with filters and experiment with different dimensions just because you run a business. It is highly recommended that you apply filters to the content you publish. The more imaginative and unique your photographs are, the more likely individuals will share and follow your account. Downloading an app that edits photos is another option for improving the look of your pictures. Do not feel restricted to the square format regarding dimensions; instead, utilize the landscape and portrait options.

4. Utilize Instagram Analytics as a Source of Data for Your Persona Research

You’ll have access to analytics that reveal the times of day when your audience is most active if you sign up for a business account on Instagram. Make use of those data to devise a most effective posting schedule. You can use the information that Instagram provides about your audience’s demographics, such as their age, gender, and location, as a jumping-off point for your research into customer personas.

5. Tag Users Who Engage with Your Brand and Appear in Your Photographs

You can also be discovered by users who aren’t already following you by tagging relevant accounts in your posts so that your content appears in those users’ feeds. If you own a fitness studio, you should take a group photo after a Body Pump class and tag all participants in the picture. After that, it will fill in all of their tagged feeds. Their audience will see the post and become aware of your studio. If you can give credit to others and tag them, you should do so. It will contact you to bring you more leads and followers on Instagram.

6. Take a Look at the Strategies Employed by Your Rivals

If you want to know how to get more followers on Instagram, one of the best practices is to observe what your rivals are doing there and draw inspiration from it. Researching their accounts will lead you to discover hashtags you hadn’t thought of, influencers you haven’t contacted, or other strategies to help you develop your own. Please note which of their posts get the most engagement, as this can provide you with additional insight into what could work for your account.

7. Interact with One Another on Instagram

Engage in targeted conversation with users whose profiles complement yours. Practically, this means conversing with prospective customers and brand partners by liking, following, and thoughtfully commenting on their social media posts. To begin, consider your hashtags: You can find people posting content similar to yours by clicking on relevant hashtags you use frequently. Interacting with the people already following you is another beneficial practice to adopt. You should re-follow them and show interest in the content they produce. The more you participate, the more likely other users will notice your activity and appear in their feeds. Additionally, it demonstrates that you have a genuine account and that you believe in the concept of reciprocity.

8. You Should Include Branded Hashtags And Calls To Action In Your Instagram Bio

It is essential to use your Instagram bio to include branded hashtags, a link, and a call to action when trying to attract new users. Users can learn more about you and your brand through this section, at which point they can decide whether or not to follow you.

However, you should avoid sounding desperate or spammy in your tone. You need to introduce yourself to other users and explain the benefits of following you so they will do so. Check that this section is updated at the appropriate times.

9. Include Calls To Action and Questions Within Your Posts

Include a question or a direct invitation to take action at the end of each post to increase engagement.

The following are examples of CTAs:

  • Find out more through the link in my bio!
  • Like this video if you want to see more videos like this!
  • If you follow us, you won’t miss any of our updates.

You can also post questions. This will help maintain the interest of your audience, demonstrate that you care about what your audience wants to see and provide you with ideas for content to post in the future.

10. Include a Link to your Instagram Account on Your Website and Email

Including an icon with your social links or embedding Instagram content on your website can make it easier for your current clients and customers to find and follow you on Instagram. Your email signature can also include a link to the Instagram account of your company or business. In addition, use a plugin to import all of your most recent Instagram posts directly into your website. This may be an excellent way to promote your new account to individuals who frequently visit your website, thereby increasing the size of your following of potential customers.

11. Publish Your Instagram content on Facebook and Twitter at the Same Time

Posting content from Instagram to Facebook and Twitter simultaneously encourages users to visit your Instagram profile. Because the post will indicate that it was shared from Instagram, users who follow you on other platforms but were unaware that you had an Instagram account will also learn that you have one when they see that the post was shared from Instagram. You can adjust your settings so that cross-posting occurs automatically for every post, or you can manually choose to only cross-post certain posts.

12. Hold Competitions and Activations So That More People Will See Your Brand

You’ll be able to run contests and campaigns to draw in more users to your page once you’ve got a following established and started growing it. For instance, you can increase the number of visitors to your website or the number of sales you make by hosting an interesting contest on Instagram. You can request that users like the post, comment on it, use a particular hashtag, tag a friend, or ask your followers to tag a friend. Your brand and page will be shown to more Instagram users online when you ask users to tag a friend in a post. It is an efficient method for increasing the reach and awareness of your brand, and it is also an important strategy for gaining more followers on Instagram.

13. Avoid Including Excessive Amounts Of Text In Your Pictures

In most cases, you should save the words for the captions of your images. Instagram is popular because it features primarily visual content. Therefore, posting significant text within an image is not the norm. It’s great to have a positive quote or statement that’s short and sweet, but including a lengthy message or part of a product description doesn’t work in the image. This will help you gain instant Instagram growth.


Jump on these tips for instant Instagram growth if you want to grow your brand. These tips have worked for so many profiles on Instagram. However, it is better if you inderstand how Instagram works, so you can apply these tips correctly. If you are not gettoing the right result on your IG, then consult a professional social media growth agency to check out your account for you. You would be happy when you see yourself growing on IG and becoming the influencer of your dream.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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