What are the Characteristics of a Strong Businesswoman

what are the characteristics of a strong businesswoman
  • Confidence (both false and authentic) is a key trait for success
  • Ability to adapt and adjust quickly to take advantage of new opportunities
  • Perseverance – staying focused on goals, learning from mistakes, becoming resilient
  • Communication skills – ability to effectively articulate points of view while being open to feedback
  • Creative problem-solving skills – being able to find inventive solutions
  • Self-awareness – understanding motivations and making decisions based on what’s best for them.

In a male-dominated industry, a successful businesswoman requires more than just hard work to be successful. While intelligence and ambition are vital, there are a few other essential skills that can help take her to the top of the business world.

After all, regardless of gender, an entrepreneur must possess a strong set of skills to lead, manage, and succeed. So what are the essential characteristics that make up a successful businesswoman? Here are six key traits:


Strong businesswomen understand the power of confidence. They know that it’s essential to believe in themselves and their abilities to succeed. They don’t doubt themselves or allow self-doubt to get in the way of their goals. Confidence is a trait that helps them stay focused on their objectives and make decisions with clarity and decisiveness. There are two types of confidence-false and authentic.

False confidence

This is when a person acts confident because they want to project an image of strength and capability. They might try to mask their feelings, doubts, or lack of experience with false bravado.

Authentic confidence

This is when someone has grounded self-worth and faith in themselves that comes from within. It allows them to take risks, make mistakes, learn, and grow.

Ability To Adapt

what are the characteristics of a strong businesswoman

Adaptability is another essential characteristic of successful businesswomen. They understand that change is inevitable, and instead of resisting it, they embrace it as an opportunity for growth and development, both professionally and personally. They’re able to adjust quickly when needed, allowing them to take advantage of new opportunities when they arise and easily manage potential risks.

For example, understanding that consulting a recruitment services company can help fill positions quickly with qualified candidates can help a businesswoman stay ahead of the competition and save time. They know that flexibility can be the key to success, and they adapt as needed.


Successful women know that nothing comes easy, so they persevere through difficult moments and setbacks without giving up on their goals. They understand that perseverance is critical to success, no matter how long it takes or how many obstacles they encounter along the way. When it comes to persevering, successful businesswomen are persistent, consistent, and resilient. Challenges and mistakes can be learning experiences that help them grow, and they use these experiences to become even better.

Communication Skills

Having strong communication skills is essential for any successful businesswoman. Whether they’re talking to customers or clients, colleagues or partners, strong communicators can effectively articulate their point of view while also being open to feedback from others. This ability helps foster relationships with those around them, which can be invaluable for businesses looking for ways to grow and thrive.

Creative Problem-Solving Skills

Strong businesswomen also possess creative problem-solving skills that help them come up with solutions when faced with challenging or unexpected circumstances. Creative problem-solving skills help them stay ahead of the competition by finding innovative solutions that other businesses may not have considered yet or have been able to implement successfully due to a lack of resources or time constraints.  


what are the characteristics of a strong businesswoman

Lastly, self-awareness is a key characteristic of strong businesswomen who understand what motivates them and why they do what they do each day to stay focused on their goals without getting distracted by external factors like outside opinions or criticism from others.

Self-awareness allows them to make decisions based on what’s best for them without feeling obligated or pressured into making choices that aren’t aligned with who they are and what matters most to them professionally and personally. There are various ways to become more self-aware, such as:


Meditating is a classic technique for developing self-awareness. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and better understand your motivations.


Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal can also help increase your self-awareness. Not only does it give you an outlet for expressing yourself and analyzing your emotions, it also helps you better understand yourself and what’s important to you.

Strong businesswomen possess many different characteristics, including confidence, perseverance, communication skills, adaptability, creative problem-solving skills, and self-awareness which all contribute towards helping them reach their goals faster than they ever thought possible! With these traits combined together, she will be unstoppable in whatever endeavor she chooses! So if you’re looking for inspiration today, remember these qualities can help you reach your own goals!

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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