The Sen Spa, a real-time escape from city chaos

the sen spa, a real-time escape from city chaos

Peaceful repose from the city cacophony.

Discovering an ethereal idyll; an oasis of tranquillity to escape the city chaos while remaining ever so lightly in touch with reality.

The Sen Spa, in Nha Trang, Vietnam, with beautiful surroundings, water burbling, gentle greetings by the pet dog, warmly serenaded by the neighborly rooster, and a foot, leg, back massage awaits to soothe the aches and soul … but for the sad bloke’s karaoke next door .

This is an hour well spent.

For 2 people, only vnd830k AU$50 US$34 (includes a 10% discount compensation this day because of the once-only sad bloke’s karaoke next door 😁. I do hope he is happier now, because I am.)

Greg Hackett

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