4 Powerful Digital Marketing Trends to Apply this 2020 and Beyond

4 powerful digital marketing trends to apply this 2020 and beyond

It’s almost 2020, and for all you know, digital marketing has been evolving fast! Unless you can keep up with the massive changes, you’ll never be able to take your business to the next level. 

Even a lot of big businesses are failing to see arising trends; thus, they could end up irrelevant in the future. Fresh competitors could even overtake them and gain dominance in whatever niche. Consider Forever 21, one of the successful textile retailers. It recently filed for bankruptcy due to a lack of online presence and innovative marketing strategies.

That is why you need to keep track of these trends and leverage them to ride the waves of change to success. Here are some of them.

1.    Optimize on-SERP SEO

Google’s algorithm is rapidly evolving. What used to be effective practices in the previous year, such as citation cleanup may no longer remain significant this 2020 and beyond. One of these relates to the ranking system of Google, particularly, the zero-click results. With this tactic, Google will readily provide you a result it generates on its own. 

Now how do you fit in such condition? Figure out on-SERP SEO first so you can gain a competitive edge. Now, that is something that you need to work hard and smart. Once you learn the upper hand on your industry, you could easily outrank competitors in search results. 

2.    Increase Use of Smart Speakers 

Smart speakers have been proliferating like mushrooms in recent years. In 2018 alone, customers bought around 56 million smart speakers, according to Social Report. There are also better and less invasive examples of branded advertising on smart speakers. Now, if you’re up into this tactic, apply what they call a branded skill. It is one of the most customer-friendly ways to advertise on smart speakers. That also works for citation cleanup

3.    Create more content and set more chatbots

Written content remains an indispensable aspect of online marketing. After all, it is also the primary throughout chatbots which are expected to significantly rise in application in 2020 and beyond. 

Based on a study released by Juniper Networks, AI-Powered chatbots grow in popularity and sophistication. That can help retailers cut costs by as much as $439 billion annually and boost sales by %112 billion by 2023. With such promising potential, it comes as no surprise when an organization will continue investing in more innovative chatbots. 

4.    Optimize Voice Search

Most businesses, especially start-ups, are not yet ready to embrace voice search as a marketing scheme. But for now, they should consider optimizing their content for voice search. Based on Google’s latest report, 20 percent of all Google search queries appear through a voice search. Thrive Analytics also reveals that 71 percent of all mobile users aged from 18 to 29 use voice assistants on their smartphones. 

With all that, it makes a lot of sense for companies to start optimizing their content for the voice search. Even small businesses or start-ups should keep up with this trend. Good thing, many professionals and marketing experts offer advice on how to effectively optimize your website for voice search. 

Michael Hunt

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