Turnbull’s Keatingesque support for republican movement a political death wish


Yesterday evening Prime Minister Turnbull addressed a millionaire’s meeting – aka 25th anniversary dinner of the Australian republican Movement (ARM) – in Sydney. His reaffirmed his support for “a” republic was not excactly welcomed by the media, which says a lot considering usually the pro-republican bias. The HeraldSun‘s report predicted The only republic Turnbull will give us is a banana one. And the ABC quoted federal government MPs saying: Turnbull’s ‘Keatingesque’ support for republican movement a ‘political death wish’.

Malcolm Turnbull knew, that the idea to replace the Australian Constitutional Monarchy with “a” republic has little support, therefore he called for “a strong grassroots political movement mobilising a substantial majority behind the republic, that must be delivered by [the] republican movement today … not by the Government or the Opposition“. He even admitted: “It is hard to see how this issue would return to the forefront of debate during the Queen’s reign.

So, can it be expected that all will be quiet at the republican front?

He did commit to working with republicans to create what he described “a grassroots campaign“. “Right now” Turnbull said “an Australian republic is not inevitable, but we can make it so by working together on this great unfinished business for our nation.”

As far as monarchists are concerned, they would not have been pacified in any way with his comments and in particular with his closing remarks “Advance Australia. Up the republic.” They would also be concerned that the Prime Minister has committed to working with the Australian Republican Movement to make “a” republic happen.

Monarchists must be vigilant and fight the numerous signs of republicanism in the country. Next Australia Day will see many republicans crawl out of their holes and attack the Crown. The Australian of the Year who was appointed on Australia Day 2016 was a disgrace and threatened to fight for “a” republic during his tenure. Fortunately the man was so controversial that calls for the Resignation of David Morrison as Australian of the Year never stopped.

Radical Royalist

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