The Main Causes Of Blocked Drains

     the main causes of blocked drains


Blocked drains are a common problem that can cause a lot of inconveniences. They can be caused by a build-up of leaves, twigs, and other debris in the drainage system, and this can lead to a blockage in the design and a backup of water. If you have a blocked drain, you’ll need to call a professional to clear it. This is because blocked drains can be a severe health hazard, and they can also cause damage to your property if left untreated.

The Main Causes of Blocked Drains:

It’s no secret that blocked drains are a pain. They can cause many problems, from spilling sewage onto your property to causing a nasty smell. But what exactly causes them?

A few different things can cause your drains to become blocked. One of the most common is tree roots. As trees grow, their roots can spread out and break through underground pipes, and this can cause a blockage that can be very difficult to clear. Underground Pipe Repairs can fix this problem of blocked drains.

Another common cause of blocked drains is grease and fat. When these substances build up in your pipes, they can eventually harden and cause a blockage. This is especially common in kitchens, where grease and fat are often washed down the drain.

Finally, another cause of blocked drains is simply built-up debris. Over time, hair, food scraps, and other waste can build up in your pipes and cause a blockage. This is especially common in older homes, where lines may not have been appropriately maintained.

Effects of Blocked Drains:

If you suspect your drains are blocked, a professional must check them out as soon as possible. A blocked drain can cause several problems, including:

  • Flooding
  • Sewer Backups
  • Pest Infestations
  • Health Hazards

How To Prevent Blocked Drains?

If you think you may have a blocked drain, you should first call a professional. They can assess the situation and determine the best course of action. In many cases, they will be able to clear the blockage without having to dig up your yard or damage your home.

However, if you have a more severe problem, they may need to excavate your yard and dig up your pipes. This can be a messy and expensive process, so it’s essential only to use a professional if necessary.

You can do a few things to prevent blocked drains, however. One of the best things you can do is regularly clean your gutters and downspouts, which will help keep leaves and other debris from building up in your pipes.

It would help if you also were sure to maintain your pipes properly. This means regularly checking for leaks and making sure they’re properly insulated. Doing this will help to prevent frozen pipes, which can cause a blockage.

If you have trees on your property, you should have them regularly trimmed, which will help prevent their roots from growing into your pipes.

Finally, it would help if you always were sure to use proper drainage when possible. This means ensuring that your gutters and downspouts are clear and that your landscaping is graded correctly. This will help to prevent water from pooling around your home and causing a blockage.


If you have a blocked drain, the first thing you should do is call a plumber. A plumber can determine the cause of the blockage and recommend the best action. In some cases, the plumber may be able to clear the jam without having to do any significant work. However, in other cases, the plumber may need to do some excavation to reach the blockage and clear it.

If you have a blocked drain, don’t delay having it checked out by a professional. The longer you wait, the more damage the blockage can cause.

Michael Hunt

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