The Importance of Packaging in the e-Commerce Industry

title: the importance of packaging in the e-commerce industry

With the growing popularity of e-commerce businesses, online sellers need to find effective ways to stay ahead of their competitors and encourage their customers to make repeat purchases. Packaging, which is the first physical interaction a customer has with a brand, offers plenty of opportunities for e-commerce businesses to create brand awareness and boost sales with unique messaging. You will be surprised to know how important product packaging is in the current e-commerce industry.

Prevents Product Damage:

While sending out products to the customers, packaging helps keep those products protected from any kind of physical damage or wear and tear. The labelling on the packages also helps shipping companies take necessary precautions while handling specific products. Moreover, packaging companies now create super flat shipping boxes, cartons, envelop mailers, bubble pouches, etc., in various shapes and sizes to meet the packaging needs of different products. The main objective is to make sure the product is delivered to the customer in a safe condition.

Reduces Company’s Costs:

High-quality packaging requires the company to invest additional in every product they sell on the internet. While that may seem like an unnecessary expense to some businesses, good packaging helps protect the product from damage during shipping, minimising the possibility of customers returning it. If a customer receives a damaged product, he/she is most likely to place a return request. While there is an additional cost associated with reshipping the returned product, the company also need to reimburse the product cost to the customer. You can reduce the number of return requests using proper packaging.

Offers Opportunities to Personalize:

Apart from protecting the products, good quality packaging can also encourage repeat purchases from customers by making their experience more personal. By choosing a unique packaging style, you can quickly turn curious customers into your brand advocates. Also, people start associating your brand with the colour, packaging material and typeface used in the packaging, making it easier for them to distinguish your brand from the competition. In today’s market, a brand that stands out has a higher chance of making the next sale.

Builds Brand Identity:

Good quality packaging also helps create great first impression for the brand. A well-packaged product has a better chance of getting good reviews from the customer than a product with generic packaging. Moreover, a customised label with your brand logo and name helps create a unique identity for your brand, allowing you to stand out from your competitors. If your brand is comparatively new, customised packaging with high-quality printing and distinctive design can help you connect with the customer by reflecting your brand’s positioning.

Improves Brand Loyalty:

Packaging also contributes to the user experience for e-commerce companies. Since the packaging of products impacts how the brand is perceived by the consumer, it can make or break your brand’s success. As mentioned, a well-packaged product leaves a lasting impression on the customer long after purchase. On the other hand, bad packaging can result in unhappy customers. If you want to earn customer loyalty for your product and the brand, you need to invest in your packaging and make sure it offers a great customer experience.

Promotes Sustainability:

In order to reduce their carbon footprints, a majority of e-commerce companies have shifted from plastic-based packaging to more sustainable options. This helps reduce the impact made by the packaging waste on the environment. At the same time, eco-friendly packaging allows brands to position themselves as supporters of sustainable practices. As the population of environmentally conscious consumers continues to grow, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly packaging materials among e-commerce companies.


From protecting the products to saving the environment – packaging plays a pivotal role in helping brands position themselves in the market. Whether you sell large appliances or simple safety pins – your product packaging can help you gain a competitive advantage and attract more customers with time. As an e-commerce company, if you are still not investing enough in your packaging, it’s high time you do that.


Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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