Surprise Your Mom with These Creative Gift Ideas

surprise your mom with these creative gift ideas

Regardless of the occasion, mothers deserve gifts from their beloved children. Whether it’s her birthday, your parent’s wedding anniversary, or just another regular day, giving gifts to your mom is one of the sweetest things you can do for her. It’s one way to show affection and appreciation to the one who brought you into this world.

For parents, especially moms, it’s always the thought that counts when it comes to the gifts they receive. However, if you want to give her something that she will forever treasure, here’s a list of creative gift ideas you can take inspiration from.


Flowers instantly bring out positive emotions. It’s also considered a non-materialistic gift since it’s generally cheaper than other fancy gifts. Flowers brighten up the mood, and their fragrance refreshes minds. You can order a bouquet of your mom’s favourite flowers and have it delivered to your doorstep. A slight element of surprise can make the gesture more sincere and memorable.

In countries with magical flower seasons, like Australia, Netherlands and Colombia, you can get the most beautiful bunch of blooms. Australia has a big flower market size and produces the popular banksia and waratah, native flowers which both make fantastic cut flowers. You can find the best suppliers of Flowers Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne since these countries are home to the best flower shops in the country.

The Netherlands produces approximately half of the flowers sold in the global market. A region in the country called Holland has an abundant supply of tulips. Lastly, Colombia has the prettiest roses for bouquets. They have thirty colours of the flower that convey different meanings.


Many women love jewellery, and if your mom is one of those who fancy jewels and gems, consider buying one for them on different occasions. There are different types of jewellery, and each one denotes unique meanings.

For moms, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are the best options. Giving jewellery symbolises your unwavering love for your mom, just like how a piece of jewellery can be passed on to many generations.

Spa Day at Home

If you intend to pamper your mom on a special occasion, a spa day at home can be the best treat for her.

A spa treatment can boost her mood and make her feel calm. Moreover, it can help with blood circulation and release muscle tension, giving her a break from her round-the-clock duty as a career woman and a mother. Most importantly, a spa day at home can help you catch up and bond with each other.

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Moms get overwhelmed with household tasks and other roles she has to fulfil outside their home. So, you might consider buying her something to help them manage stress and boost happiness.

Aromatherapy diffusers are great gifts for moms who wish to relax after a hard day at work. Plus, it can help with regaining undivided focus and attention. What’s more, aromatherapy diffusers can also help relieve joint pains your mom may experience on a day of taking care of the family.

What makes it more helpful to women is its ability to alleviate mood swings during hormonal changes. If your mom frequently experiences hormonal peaks and has a hard time managing them, an aromatherapy diffuser can definitely help.

Fitness Tracker or Smartwatch

Giving your mom a fitness tracker is one way to show your concern about their health. You can find many fitness trackers and health gadgets in the market, so you can just pick the one you think your mother would love.

Fitness trackers and smartwatches offer different features and functions, so check them out before placing your order. This type of gift is practical and functional. It’s also a thoughtful gesture that manifests your genuine concern for your mom’s health.

Concert Tickets

Giving your mom a ticket to her favourite band’s concert is a grand gesture of your love for her. While concerts can be expensive, it’s definitely a surefire way to win your mom’s heart on a special day. Of course, it will be more memorable if you come with her to the event. It’s a way to show how you value her interests.

But before buying one, ensure your mom is available on the concert date. Ask far in advance to check if your mom has plans for the concert dates. Book the best seats for a memorable concert experience for you and your mom.

It doesn’t have to be front-row tickets or mosh pits as long as you can get an unobstructed view of the stage. But if you have enough money to buy premium tickets, your mom will definitely be the happiest!

Final Thoughts

Moms are always appreciative of anything they receive from anyone, especially from their kids. She might have told you she wants nothing on a special occasion, but it’s better to take the initiative and prepare something for her on that day. It doesn’t have to be fancy and matchless. As long as it comes from the heart, moms would be grateful.

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Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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