Q&A With Progressive House Producer Chris Costello

q&a with progressive house producer chris costello

We got to chat with multi-talented Chris Costello around the release of the progressive house single “Let’s Get Lost Tonight”.

Congratulations on your new single, ‘Let’s Get Lost Tonight’! Can you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind this track and the emotions you wanted to convey through it?

Ever since I got into EDM, I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to meet someone and kiss them under the electric sky at EDC. I wanted the listener to feel happy and know they can find someone special to share life’s great experiences.

Your musical tapestry has been described as a dreamy canvas with evocative synth melodies. How would you describe the evolution of your sound from your earlier works to this latest single?

I feel my sound has definitely evolved from my previous works, getting closer to the progressive house sound I fell in love with in 2012, and being able to modernize it by adding more sounds to make it more complete.

Progressive house is a genre known for its ability to evoke profound emotions. How do you approach the process of infusing emotions into your music, and what techniques do you use to guide listeners on an emotive journey?

When listening to certain songs I like and that I connect to, I try to use specific chord progressions and come up with catchy melodies that spark certain emotions.

The artwork for your single and your press shots seem to convey a certain aesthetic and mood. How important do you think visual elements are in complementing your music and creating a cohesive brand image?

I think it’s very important that they complement each other since I’m trying to tell a story through my music.

Looking back on your musical journey, what have been some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced as an artist, and how have you overcome them?

One of the challenges I faced when starting out was overcoming my lack of confidence in my music, feeling that it’d never be good enough. It was only when I showed my music to one of my mentors at school, who said my music was already great and I only needed to hire a vocalist to sing on them, that I finally believed in myself, and I’ve been doing that ever since.

Another challenge I had to overcome was losing my grandma, who I was super close to, during COVID. At that point, I almost wanted to give up, but I had to remind myself why I fell in love with music and that she wanted me to keep going.

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Tom L.

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