How to Get the Most Out of Your Solar Panels

how to get the most out of your solar panels

As the world shifts towards more sustainable energy sources, solar panels have become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike. Not only do they help reduce carbon emissions, but they can also significantly lower energy bills in the long run. However, investing in solar panels is just the first step—to truly maximize their benefits, it’s important to know how to get the most out of them. In this article, we will explore some of the key ways to optimize the performance of your solar panels.

Clean them when necessary

Cleaning your solar panels is an important part of maintaining their efficiency and ensuring they produce the maximum amount of energy possible. Over time, dust, dirt, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of the panels, which can reduce their ability to absorb sunlight. While rain can help to some extent, it may not always be enough to remove stubborn dirt and grime. As a result, it’s recommended that you clean your solar panels at least once or twice a year, especially if you live in an area with heavy pollution or if your panels are positioned near trees or shrubs.

To clean your solar panels, you will need a few basic tools, such as a soft-bristled brush, a squeegee, and a bucket of warm water with a mild soap solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch the surface of the panels. Begin by rinsing the panels with a hose or spraying them with water, then use the brush to gently scrub away any dirt or debris. Once you have cleaned the entire surface, use the squeegee to remove any remaining water or soap residue. Regular cleaning can help ensure that the solar panels are operating at their peak performance and generating as much energy as possible.

Don’t use too many appliances at the same time

Using too many appliances at the same time can put a strain on your solar panels and reduce their efficiency. While solar panels can provide a significant amount of energy, their output is not unlimited, and they may not be able to keep up with high demands during peak usage hours. This is especially true if you have a small solar system or if you live in an area with less sunlight. When too many appliances are running at once, it can cause a drop in voltage and reduce the overall energy production of your solar panels.

To prevent this from happening, it’s important to be mindful of your energy usage and avoid running too many appliances simultaneously. You may want to consider using energy-efficient appliances that require less power or staggering your appliance usage throughout the day. For example, you can run your dishwasher and washing machine in the morning, when the sun is at its brightest, and avoid using them during the evening when your solar panels may have less energy to spare. By being strategic with your energy usage, you can help maximize the efficiency and longevity of your solar panels while still enjoying the benefits of solar energy.

Monitor energy usage strategically with an app

One of the easiest ways to monitor your energy usage and ensure you are getting the most out of your solar panels is by using a monitoring app. Many solar panel systems come with their own app that allows you to track your energy production and usage in real-time. With this app, you can monitor the amount of energy the panels generate, consumed energy, and how much energy you are feeding back into the grid. This information can help you identify any potential issues with your system or make adjustments to your energy usage to ensure you are maximizing the benefits of your solar panels.

In addition to providing you with real-time data for energy usage, some monitoring apps also offer features that allow you to set energy usage goals, receive alerts when you exceed a certain energy threshold, or even remotely control certain appliances. This can be particularly useful if you want to ensure you are not using too much energy during peak usage hours or if you want to adjust energy expenditure when you are away from home. By using a monitoring app, you can take control of your energy usage, cut down on energy bills, and help contribute to a more sustainable future.

how to get the most out of your solar panels

Trim foliage around the solar panels

Trimming the foliage near your solar panels is an important part of maintaining their efficiency and maximizing energy production. Trees, bushes, and other plants can cast shadows over your solar panels, reducing the amount of sunlight they receive and reducing their overall output. In addition, overhanging branches and leaves can drop debris onto the panels, which can reduce their effectiveness and even cause damage. To ensure the panels are operating at their full capacity, it’s important to regularly trim back any foliage that may be interfering with their performance.

To trim the foliage around your solar panels, you can use a pair of pruning shears or a small saw. Begin by removing any overhanging branches or limbs that are casting shadows on the panels. This will increase the amount of sunlight that reaches the panels and improve their energy output. Next, trim back any nearby bushes or shrubs that may be blocking the panels or dropping debris onto them. By maintaining a clear and unobstructed area around your solar panels, you can help ensure they are operating at their highest level and generating the most energy possible.

Buy a battery system for your panels

If you are looking to get the most out of your solar panels, investing in a battery system can be a great way to store excess energy and ensure a consistent supply of power. A battery system allows you to store any excess energy your solar panels produce during the day and use it during periods of low sunlight or high energy usage. This helps reduce your reliance on the grid, save money on bills, and increase your overall energy independence. Having a battery backup can provide added security and peace of mind in the event of a power outage or grid failure.

When purchasing a battery system for your solar panels, there are several factors to consider, such as capacity, efficiency, and compatibility with your existing solar panel system. It’s important to choose a battery system that can store enough energy to meet your daily needs and that can be charged efficiently by your solar panels. You may also want to consider the warranty and lifespan of the battery, as well as any additional features such as remote monitoring or control.

Join or create a virtual power plant program

Joining or creating a virtual power plant program with fellow locals can be a great way to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your solar panels. Virtual power plants (VPPs) are networks of interconnected solar panel systems that work together to generate and distribute energy. By participating in a VPP, you can sell excess energy back to the grid, reduce your need for the utility company’s services, and even earn money for the energy you produce. Additionally, by pooling resources with other local solar panel owners, you can create a more resilient and sustainable energy system for your community.

To join or create a VPP, you can start by reaching out to other local solar panel owners in your area. There may be existing VPP programs that you can join, or you can work together with others to create your own program. Some VPP programs require specific equipment or technology, so it’s important to do your research and ensure that your solar panel system is compatible.

Introduce more solar appliances

Many common household appliances such as water heaters, air conditioners, and even refrigerators now come with solar-powered options. Smaller devices such as solar-powered phone chargers, lighting fixtures, and even televisions are becoming more widely available. By introducing these appliances into your home, you can further reduce your energy bills and decrease your carbon footprint.

One great example of a solar-powered appliance that can add beauty and ambience to your home is solar fairy lights for your garden. Solar fairy lights use small solar panels to collect energy from the sun during the day and store it in a rechargeable battery. They then use this energy to power the LED lights that provide a soft and inviting glow to your garden at night. These lights are both energy-efficient and eco-friendly and can add a touch of magic to your outdoor space without adding to your energy bill.

Adjust your home’s heating

It’s important to consider adjusting your home’s heating schedule to align with peak solar production. Solar panels produce the most energy during the day when the sun is shining brightly. By adjusting your home’s heating schedule to take advantage of this peak energy production, you can reduce your reliance on traditional power sources and further maximize the benefits of your solar panels. For example, you could program your thermostat to turn on the heating system during the day when your solar panels are generating the most energy, and then turn it off during the evening or overnight when the panels are producing less energy.

By aligning your home’s heating schedule with your solar panel system, you can also cut energy costs. Using the energy produced by your solar panels instead of relying on traditional power sources can help reduce the strain on the grid and decrease your reliance on non-renewable energy sources.


Each strategy discussed above has its own unique benefits and can help you make the most of your solar panel investment. However, the best strategy for you will depend on your individual circumstances and goals.

The most important takeaway is that solar power is a viable and increasingly accessible option for homeowners seeking a more sustainable lifestyle. By making conscious choices and incorporating solar technology into your daily life, you can be a part of the growing movement toward a cleaner and more sustainable future. Whether you choose to invest in a battery system, participate in a virtual power plant program, or simply monitor your energy usage with an app, every small step counts. 

Photo by Kindel Media:


Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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