How To Buy Unique Furniture For Your Home

how to buy unique furniture for your home

It can be difficult to find new furniture. With so many alternatives, it can be challenging to know where to begin. When you factor in the fact that you can now shop online, things can get much more confusing; there are so many options, and if you don’t quite know what you are looking for, you might just give up altogether and buy the standard items you can find everywhere. The problem in this case is if you want something unique that really stands out or works perfectly with your room and design aesthetic, you’ll regret that choice, and that will cost you more time and money.

With that in mind, here are some great ways to find unique furniture for your home that you’ll love. Read on to find out more.

Research Everything First

When you want a new piece of furniture, whether it’s a couch, a bed, a sideboard, or anything else, you need to do plenty of research before you can think about buying anything. This can sometimes be easier to do if you choose to buy something online because there will often be additional information in the listing – you can see what the piece of made of, how old it is, and the size. In real life, however, you can see the item in person, either in a shop or at antique furniture auctions, and that can be extremely useful as photos don’t always give you the full story. Plus, there will be someone to talk to who will give you the information you need.

In other words, no matter how you choose to buy your unique furniture, make sure you ask questions and find out as much as you can to ensure it’s the right choice.

Think About Your Needs

You might spot a piece of furniture and fall in love with it. It might be absolutely perfect for your home in terms of how it looks. However, is it going to be useful and useable? If not, and it’s not there purely for decoration, then it would be pointless buying it. Furniture is meant to be used, and it’s highly likely that you’re buying a bed or a table because you need one, not just to fill in a space.

Therefore, you need to make sure you can use the item. Check it is comfortable, make sure it will fit where you want it to go, and consider your budget – it’s easy to get carried away, especially when you are buying something unique and you really want it, but if you spend too much, you’ll lose some of the pleasure of it, and be reminded of your spending every time you look at it.

Take Measurements

We’ve mentioned taking measurements above, but it is such an important point that it needs some further clarification. Taking measurements of the piece of furniture itself is vital, of course. If you’re buying online, it’s essential that you find out what the dimensions are if they’re not listed. However, having these measurements is not going to help you if you don’t know whether or not they’ll fit in the room or the particular space you want the furniture to go in.

This is why you also need to measure the room the piece of furniture is going into. You can’t just do this by eye; it might look as though it would fit when it is a few milimetres out, or perhaps it will fit, but it’s too big or too small to look good in the room when you’re done. Equally, you should measure the doorway. It would be upsetting to buy a gorgeous piece of unique furniture only to find that you can’t get it into the room.

What About Assembly?

If you’re buying a piece of antique furniture or something that has been custom-made and is a one-off, then assembly may not be necessary. It will come to you (or you’ll need to transport it, which is another consideration) as one piece, and then you’ll need to move it, or have specialists move it, into place. This will need to be arranged, but it’s easily done.

If, however, you are buying flatpack furniture, you’ll need to think about how you’re going to assemble it. What tools will you need? Is it a one-person job or should you enlist the help of a friend for safety reasons? Where will you put it together? Not everyone is good with tools and instructions, and if that sounds like you, the good news is there are professionals who will help you and put the furniture together for you. This will be an extra cost, so be aware and factor that into your budget if need be.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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