How Do I Make a Public Liability Compensation Claim?


If you suffered injuries due to a public liability accident, the chances are that the event left you with a financial loss. Whether you have a broken leg, concussion, or some other type of injury caused by a slip, trip, or fall incident on a public pavement, if this is the case, you should consider making a private or public liability compensation claim, as these can help to compensate for any expenses incurred. If you have suffered an injury in a public place, one of the most important things you should do is to immediately seek legal advice from compensation lawyers in Perth.

What is a Public Liability Injury?

A public liability injury is a type of personal injury that results from a hazard or activity that is open to the public, such as a hotel or restaurant. For example, a car accident could be considered a public liability injury if the other driver was negligent and did not follow the road rules.

If someone else’s carelessness or negligence has injured you, you may be eligible to make a public liability compensation claim. Public liability claims are made against the owner of premises or structure where the accident occurred, who may be liable for any injuries caused by their unsafe condition. This includes cases where people were injured on roads or pavements owned by local councils.

How to Make a Public Liability Compensation Claim

Making a public liability compensation claim is not a simple process. It requires you to fill in many forms and then send them to the insurance company. You will have to provide them with evidence that proves your claim is valid. This can be either in the form of pictures or videos or witness statements.

The first step is to gather all the necessary documents required for your claim. Make sure that they are all in date and if they need any additional information, like witnesses’ names or contact details, make sure that you add this too. Also, add a copy of photos and videos as evidence. 

Once you have gathered all your documents, it’s time to fill in the forms. They have different types of forms depending on what type of incident happened. If there are no witnesses involved but only damages, then you will need a different type of form than if there were witnesses involved as well; however, both forms require basic information such as who was involved in the accident, when it occurred and where it occurred. You will also need to describe what happened during the accident to public liability lawyer Perth so that they know exactly what happened during the incident.

You should also consider hiring experienced personal injury lawyers specialising in public liability claims. A solicitor will be able to guide you through the process and make sure that you are represented at all times.

How is Public Liability Compensation Calculated?

You need to work with a solicitor to get a public liability compensation claim. The solicitor will be able to help you fill out your claim form and provide advice on how much money you should be claiming.

First, you need to know the details of your case. You should be able to provide all of the required information, including the date and time of the incident, as well as an account of what happened. You will also need to provide some information about yourself and the injured party.

Once you have all of this information, you can then calculate your compensation amount by using a public liability calculator. The calculator will help you determine how much money you should receive in compensation based on your injuries and other factors.

To calculate your compensation, we need to know the following:

  1. The amount of money you have lost as a result of the accident
  2. How much have you suffered in terms of pain and suffering
  3. The amount of money you had to spend on medical bills or other expenses

Then you will then take these figures and multiply them by a certain percentage depending on the severity of your injuries. For example, if you broke your leg in an accident and spent $3000 on medical bills, you should multiply that amount by 100%. If you were left with permanent scarring from an accident, you should multiply it by 200%.


The amount of compensation that you can claim when making a public liability claim is dependent on several factors. For example, where the incident occurred will affect the potential compensation because local legislation may relate to this. In addition to this, the type of injury could also impact your payment as some injuries might be less costly than others. You should ensure that you know what a fair trade-off would be for any potential injury before making a claim.


Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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