Choosing the Perfect Gas Fireplace for Your Home

choosing the perfect gas fireplace for your home

Gas fireplaces are becoming the go-to alternative for wood-burning heaters. Since the advent of natural gas piped directly into the home, it was only a matter of time before gas was used for more than cooking and baking. This prediction was fulfilled when it became commonplace to utilise gas to heat the home rather than wood or coal.

The technology surrounding gas fireplaces has advanced and evolved in leaps and bounds. They are no longer unwieldy pieces of equipment used more for what they could do than how they looked. Time and innovation have produced devices that are as efficient as they are pleasing to the eye. These changes and other benefits of gas have encouraged more and more people to switch to gas from wood.

How does one determine which gas fireplace is perfect for their home? Here are some factors that can be used as a guide to answering the question:

Consider The Style

Modern iterations of gas fireplaces place just as much emphasis on form as on function. They have evolved beyond maintaining a singular design across the board. You now have more design options to choose from, presenting you with the opportunity to match the new fireplace to your home’s decor.

At the base of the style pyramid stands linear and traditional types. Linear fireplaces pair well with modern home designs and interiors, while conventional types are better suited to homes with a more classic design.

Which type would you prefer?

Gas fireplaces can be installed with or without a chimney. Typically, heaters that require a chimney are added to already existing fireplaces as inserts. The device is fitted into space where the firepit would be before some trim is added to seal the edges. The chimney now becomes the primary ventilation point.

Heater models that do not use a chimney rely on direct venting to expel exhaust air from the room. Such outlets are oriented vertically or horizontally depending on the space and your preference.

Why do you need a fireplace?

It may seem incongruous, but keeping the answer to this question in mind as you begin to make a selection allows you to consider other essential elements, including:

  • Its energy efficiency rating.
  • Its efficacy in providing heat.
  • Its suitability for the space where you will install it.

The reason behind your need for a fireplace helps you prioritise these elements. With a clear ranking of what is most important, there is a greater chance that your choice will meet all your needs.

How Is It Operated?

Choosing an ideal fireplace is all well and good, but you must also consider its operation. It may not require a lot of technical skill to switch a gas fireplace on and off, but there are some more profound deliberations you must make. First, it is best to gain an understanding of how the model you have chosen works. With awareness comes confidence in your ability to operate the fireplace once it has been installed.

Second, if your family will handle the controls, determine their complexity beforehand to select the option which caters best to every person’s capabilities. Note that there are also fireplaces designed to cater to those with limited mobility.

Finally, choosing to install a gas fireplace is electing to go with a more modern, more eco-friendly alternative to the wood type. Contact your local heating expert to learn about the available options from which you can make a choice. With the above factors guiding your decision, there will be every likelihood that the gas fireplace you select will be the best option for you.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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