Building Owner’s Guide to Annual Property Inspection

building owner’s guide to annual property inspection

As a building owner, your property must be in top shape. Property maintenance is an important part of being a good building owner, but it can also be time-consuming and expensive. Thankfully, there are some easy steps you can take to ensure that your property is properly maintained and looked after. One way to do this is by scheduling annual property inspections for both exterior and interior components of your building. These periodic checks will allow you to catch potential problems early on before they become major issues later down the road.

1. Get Window & Roof Inspection

When inspecting your home’s windows, the expert will look for any loose or broken panes. This is a big issue because it can easily lead to air and water infiltration. Additionally, if there are extreme weather conditions (such as strong winds) in your area, a window pane may break during high winds due to poor construction or lack of reinforcement. If you notice cracks in the glass or signs of debris on the inside of the window that suggests that something has hit it and caused injury, you should have this inspected immediately by someone who knows what they’re doing!

You should have your roof inspected every year. A professional will check for leaks, signs of wear and tear, proper ventilation, and drainage.

2. Structural Inspection

It is important to inspect the structural parts of your property such as walls, floors and ceilings. Structural inspection will help you determine if there are any cracks in the walls, floor or ceiling that may be a sign of water damage. A structural inspection also helps you identify loose or damaged electric wiring that can become dangerous in the long run.

2. Plumbing / Sewer Inspection

A plumbing inspection should include the entire plumbing system, from the water supply line to all drain lines. The inspector should check for leaks and corrosion in all pipes, fittings and fixtures. They should also look for proper venting and drainage of sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.

3. Foundation Inspection

Foundation inspection is one of the most important inspections you can have done on your home. It’s also one of the more expensive, especially if you have a brick, stone or concrete foundation. However, it’s worth it for the peace of mind that comes with knowing there are no major defects in your home and if there are, they can be fixed before they become an issue.

Foundation inspection helps prevent foundation problems from occurring as well as helping homeowners get insurance discounts by providing evidence that their homes are structurally sound and insured appropriately for any potential damage due to a defective foundation. Foundation inspection also helps sellers sell their homes faster since buyers look favorably upon homes that haven’t had any major issues with their foundations like cracks or sinking walls etc.

4. Hire Bird & Pest Control Services

As you’re searching for a pest control company, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider the size of their operation. Some businesses have several employees and can handle larger jobs; others are more hands-on and focus on smaller spaces. Do they provide references? It’s always nice if they’ve worked on properties similar to yours before! Also, how long has the business been in business? Ask about their credentials, certifications, and experience level with different types of pests (or rodents). Bird proofing in Australia is also important and very common. Birds are cute but can be a burden. Some companies will offer both bird proofing and pest control at the same time, so you don’t have to worry about doing them separately.

5. Empty Septic Tank Periodically

If your septic tank has not been emptied in five years or more, it’s time to call in the professionals. The most important part of your plumbing system is the septic tank and it should be inspected by a professional every five years.

According to an expert in septic tank cleaning in Brisbane, a septic tank is made up of three chambers: two baffles (the first one is called an “inlet baffle”, which prevents waste from entering the second chamber), which helps to break up solids into smaller pieces; and a third overflow chamber (also known as an “outlet chamber”) that allows wastewater to flow into the drain field via perforations in its bottom.

The first step in having your septic system inspected is getting it pumped out on an annual basis by a professional company like Town & Country Pumping Service Inc., which will ensure that your entire drainage system remains in good working order for years to come.

6. Security Cameras Inspection

Make sure all security cameras are working properly. Replace any that are not working. Check that the cameras are recording and storing footage correctly.

An experienced contractor in installing home security cameras in Sunshine Coast suggested that a building owner should make sure the cameras are positioned to monitor the areas of the building that need monitoring: entrances, loading docks, etc., as well as other areas where you want to deter criminal activity (such as common areas or stairwells).

Ensure that there is a clear view of the areas they are monitoring so you can see people clearly and make out facial features to identify perpetrators when necessary

7. Gym and Spa Equipment Inspection

Your gym and spa are the heart of your building, so make sure you have them inspected at least once a year. During that time, you should look for any leaks in the pool or other water sources. You should also check for broken equipment and furniture—if people can’t use something because it’s broken, they’ll be disappointed and frustrated by going to your gym. Additionally, you should check for broken windows as well as electrical issues such as lights not working correctly or outlets that won’t work with certain devices (e.g., if an outlet has no power).

The importance of gym and spa safety inspections cannot be overstated. Make sure that there aren’t any fire hazards in the building. If there are things like candles around where people might be able to burn down the place accidentally (like outside on the patio), they will be upset when they can’t go out there anymore because someone else was careless with one of these items! Also remember: blocked exits mean unhappy customers!


This article should help you prepare for your annual property inspection. Building owners need to understand their responsibilities. You may be wondering if this process is worth the time and money, but many benefits will far outweigh any cost. You will also have peace of mind knowing that your building is safe from dangerous pests or structural damage caused by water leaks or other issues.

Feature Image By shisuka

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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