Solving Common Electrical Problems: When to Call in an Expert

solving common electrical problems: when to call in an expert

Do you have electrical problems in your home or business that seem too complicated to solve on your own? Electrical issues can be tricky and often require the expertise of an experienced True Site Electrical professional.

You can keep your home or business running safely and efficiently with the right knowledge and guidance. Here are some of the common electrical challenges you will face; read on:

Circuit Breakers Tripping

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when an overloaded circuit is detected. This could be due to a number of factors, including too much current passing through the wiring, a short circuit, or a faulty appliance plugged into the outlet. If your circuit breaker trips more than once, you should have it looked at by an electrician as soon as possible, as this could be a sign of a more serious underlying issue.

If the breaker trips while you’re using one specific appliance, it could be that it pulls more current than the circuit can handle. In this case, it’s recommended that you unplug the appliance and have a qualified electrician inspect it to identify any potential problems.

You may also need to call in an expert if your circuit breaker trips, even when nothing is connected to it. This could indicate a problem with the wiring in the circuit itself and require a professional’s attention to ensure safety.

Flickering Lights

When you’re dealing with flickering lights, it could be a sign of a much bigger electrical issue. It could be something as simple as a loose connection or something more serious like an overloaded circuit.

If you notice your lights are flickering frequently or dim and brightening intermittently, then it’s best to call an electrician. An experienced electrician can diagnose and fix the problem before it causes any permanent damage.

In most cases, flickering lights are due to poor wiring. The electrician will need to check all of the wirings in your home for any loose connections or frayed wires. They will also need to inspect the circuit breaker panel to ensure it isn’t overloaded with too many appliances or lights. If there is an overload, then they may need to upgrade the electrical system to provide enough power for all of the appliances and lighting in your home.

Outlets Not Working

If your outlets aren’t working, the first thing to check is whether there’s a tripped breaker. If this isn’t the case, then you may be dealing with a more serious electrical issue.

In some cases, your outlets may not be working because of a wiring issue. This can be caused by a bad connection, a loose wire, or a wire that has been chewed through by a rodent.

Another possible cause of outlet problems is damage to the outlet itself. The device may be worn out or broken and needs to be replaced. Faulty wiring can also be an issue here.

If you suspect any of these issues are causing the problem, it’s best to call in an expert electrician. They will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend the best solution for your specific situation.

Sparks from Outlets and Switches

When sparks appear from an electrical outlet or switch, this is a sign of an urgent and potentially dangerous problem. If you notice sparks emanating from either an outlet or switch, it’s time to call in an electrician. This could be a sign of loose wiring, damaged insulation, or other problems. Sparks can also indicate that there’s a short circuit in the wiring, which is a serious problem that should be fixed immediately. If left unattended, this could lead to an electrical fire. To keep your home safe, call a professional electrician right away.

Burning Smell from Switches

If you notice a burning smell coming from an outlet or switch, shut off the power immediately. This could indicate a serious problem and should not be ignored. The burning smell can be caused by overloaded outlets, faulty wiring, or other electrical components that have become damaged. If the problem is not addressed on time, it can cause a fire and significant property damage.

If you notice a burning smell coming from your outlets or switches, it is best to call in an expert electrician to inspect and repair any issues. They will be able to identify the problem’s source and help ensure your home’s safety.

Exposed Wires

Exposed wires in your home are a serious safety hazard. If you notice any exposed wiring, it is important to call an electrician right away. Exposed wires can cause fires, shocks, and other dangerous situations.

The most common types of exposed wires are loose connections, corroded wires, and damaged insulation. Loose connections occur when two wires become disconnected from each other or the circuit breaker. Corroded wires are caused by moisture or humidity and can cause arcing or sparks. Damaged insulation can occur due to age or from being chewed on by rodents.

If you see exposed wiring in your home, it is important to take action quickly. An electrician can identify the issue and make repairs to ensure your home is safe. In some cases, the exposed wiring can be fixed with simple tools and materials. In other cases, however, more complex repairs may be needed to restore power safely. If in doubt, always call an electrician to handle the repair.


Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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