7 do’s and don’ts while styling circular rugs

Rugs and carpets can bring a lot of confusion, especially if you are not a veteran in the design sector. A rug and a carpet are different in that a rug covers a small floor area and is movable, whereas a carpet can protect floor space from wall to wall and is not easy to move. Let’s focus on styling circular rugs. You must know there is something you can or can’t do while styling circular rugs.

Do’s while styling circular rugs.

  1. Ensure most of the furniture touch the carpet

This is a common aspect even when styling rectangular and square rugs. To ensure most of the carpet touches the rug while measuring the floor area the rug will cover, give the rug edges an allowance to ensure they look in place.

  1. Use a circular rug with round

Any round furniture, whether a coffee table or a dining table, works well with any shape of the rug, but it blends in and works beautifully with a round rug. A piece of round furniture and a circular carpet create a certain harmony that gives new life to the house.

  1. Use it in a small room

Using circular rugs in a small room is a game changer in giving the room a new aesthetic feeling, as due to the size of the room, the furnishings are kept minimum. Rather than seeing a small space, the rug captures the person’s eye and distracts them from seeing how empty the room is.

  1. Use it in entryways

Theoretically, putting a round rug in an entryway might seem a bit off, but once the idea is practical, you will realize the change the round rug creates. Combining the round rug with patterns or colors will create a unique vignette in your entryway.

  1. Have something with a familiar shape as your rug

Similar to a circular rug can be a wall art, clock, or piece of furniture. This will give the rug something familiar to identify within the house and blend it in place.

  1. Do not use circular rugs with conflicting colours in your house

Many people go for round rugs that appeal to their eyes and need to remember to consider whether the colours blend seamlessly with their house colour. If your room is bright, you can find a patterned or floral rug with colours close to or similar to your wall colour, and if you house dark colours, find something with a bright plain colour to brighten the room.

  1. Do not limit the size of your rugs

Large circular rugs ensure that all your furniture fits appropriately within the carpet. Small rugs will appear odd, and the table will appear out of place. If you have ample space, especially in the sitting room area, getting large pieces of rugs to cover most of your floor area is best.

Having the right pieces of rugs will ensure that your house looks comfortable and welcoming to live in. A skilled interior designer can come in handy if you are still determining what you are looking for.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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