6 Fun Indoor Activities for the Whole Family

6 fun indoor activities for the whole family

Games and activities for you and the children indoors are the perfect way to cheer up the day for everyone. Whether it’s a rainy day, snowfall not stopping all day long, instances when you simply don’t have the time to go outside or go out with your family, or just about any other unforeseen event. 

Luckily, there are fun activities for members of your family that’d be ideal to play while stuck indoors. Here’s a list of some of the most incredible and entertaining indoor activities and family games available, from gameplay to arts and crafts to other types of creative activity. This list will definitely keep your family entertained and excited for some healthy indoor family fun. Keep on reading to learn more. 

  • Puzzles

One of the few games that appeal to both adults and children and aren’t age-specific is the puzzle game. 

Together, everyone can solve a puzzle, which makes it more doable. With puzzles, one has something to focus on for a while. Considering that there’s a puzzle for every age group, you can create a space with some small puzzles for the toddlers while you set up a harder puzzle challenge for the older children and adults in the family. 

You can choose puzzles that represent significant scenes or locations, as well as explore jigsaw puzzles online, to keep your family entertained as they think.

  • Indoor Camping And Picnic 

The second indoor activity on this list is camping and picnicking. 

To start, you can combine camping and picnicking to keep the whole family busy. Pick the room with the most space first, and then put up a picnic mat there as though you were outside. You can make the meal, but having the children make the platter is a terrific activity. Prepare a typical picnic meal of potato chips, fruit, sandwiches, and the like, and put all of it in a basket.

You can switch to camping later that day. You can create a tent for camping by throwing blankets over a couch and acting as though you are in the woods. Create tents or blanket forts, get some munchies, and cuddle under a few warm blankets while streaming a good family-friendly movie, or telling moonlight tales.

6 fun indoor activities for the whole family
Caucasian family sitting in a teepee, reading stories with the flashlight in dark room with toys and pillows. Caucasian models. Home comfort, family, love, Christmas holidays, storytelling time.
  • Origami 

Paper origami art has been practiced for ages. Making origami another imaginative indoor pastime suitable for both kids and adults. Many websites on the internet can provide you with guidelines for getting creative. But if everything else fails, you can switch to building some paper airplanes instead, fly them around the house, and hold a competition for the best pilot. 

  • Art Projects 

As a family, you can work on a variety of art projects, such as building kites and tracing leaves, and you might be surprised by how nicely they turned out. Maybe even nice enough for friends to start asking for personalized items. 

A day alone with the family is the ideal time to create the artwork you’ve been intending to occupy the empty wall, side wall, or even a painted wall in your home. All you need to do is get a bunch of brushes, paint, and your typical crafting materials to create some vibrant wall art. 

Another option for art projects is a collage made from newsprint and leaf art, but this is more geared toward kids. However, you can still participate in the leaf collection phases and the newspaper gathering phases. The kids can use your help to gather leaves in the yard or a nearby park. Simply arrange the leaves on cardboard and trace a silhouette with the crayon’s side to create leaf art. The leaves can be painted by the kids and then used as their own homemade stamps. 

Newsprint collages are enjoyable, simple, and versatile too. Allow your children to cut out any shapes, animals, or other objects they desire from an old newspaper and glue them on a craft sheet to create their own artistic work.

  • Board Games

Everyone will like playing board games, and you can never go wrong with them. Play board games with your kids to help them develop their social skills and strengthen family ties. You can teach your family how to play a variety of board games. 

While playing action-packed dice games, be prepared to compete for victory. As long as you ensure to modify the rules for younger children, you’ll have a fun indoor game for the whole family. 

  • Indoor Bowling

Utilize a temporary alley to hone your bowling techniques. All you need is a semi-heavy ball, a few empty bottles or cans, and a spacious corridor. Your child’s abilities will increase as a result of this family activity, making them experts on the lanes. You may even make an indoor bowling game out of recycled toilet paper or paper towel rolls, among other inventive materials. 


All in all, the most crucial thing is to keep the kid-friendly games and activities enjoyable, energetic, and memorable regardless of what you choose to do with the family.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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