5 Basic Things Which You Should Do Before Your Carpet Cleaner Arrives


5 Basic Things Which You Should Do Before Your Carpet Cleaner Arrives

Carpet cleaning is a necessity for any homeowner. Carpets are the furnishing material that gathers the most dust and dirt as they’re exposed the most. The amount of dust on your carpet can be hazardous to someone with asthma or dust allergies. If this concerns your or your family’s health then take professional carpet cleaning a priority. So book an appointment with a carpet cleaning service and know 5 basic things which you should do before your carpet cleaners in Sydney arrive.

One should get carpet cleaning done at least once a year or in the period your trusted cleaner has recommended. Getting a carpet cleaned and maintaining it are 2 different things. The former is where you hire a professional to do the work and the latter is where you have to put in the effort yourself and take out time from your busy schedule. As maintaining a clean carpet is, the easy option is calling a carpet cleaner. You can simply hire a well-known company near you and be aware of a few points before the cleaner arrives. Let’s share the details on must-know things before the carpet cleaner arrives below.

Carpet Cleaner

5 Key Points That You Should Do Before The Carpet Cleaner Come

Here are must-do 5 basic things which you should do before your carpet cleaner arrives:

1. Move the furniture

Before your appointment make sure you have removed the furniture near the carpet area which is to be cleaned. By this, you will be able to guide the cleaner properly about which particular area you want him to focus on or a particular old stain you were unable to remove. This will also help the cleaner to examine and judge the area clearly and with that, he would be able to make the right calls and use the right kind of technique to deal with your issue.

2. Be Vocal

Communication is the key. Until and unless you’re vocal about the problem you’re having or a particular way you want things to be done then your cleaner wouldn’t be able to stand up to your expectations. With the right kind of communication between you and the expert, the results could be more than you were thinking of. The expert would have a better idea about what you expect from them and will also be able to tell you the period the work would be done. 

3. Pre-vacuum the area that is supposed to be cleaned

The cleaners will vacuum the area before initiating the cleaning process but if you vacuum it beforehand then it will give the cleaner more time to deep clean your carpet. He will be able to analyze and observe the carpet with more time and efficiency rather than wasting his time on removing the superficial dust. Now, this superficial dirt can be removed just by vacuuming. Why waste the service you’ve paid for on stuff like this? Vacuuming the area beforehand can also get you a discount for the service depending on the company you hire.

4. Inform Your Family

Getting a carpet cleaned is not something that can be done in a small area and within minutes. It takes up time and will take up a lot of space. Therefore keep in mind to inform your family beforehand so that the cleaning doesn’t interfere with their work. You could ask them to step out of the house for a few hours. Also if you have small kids or pets then keep them away from the room where the carpet is to be cleaned because the equipment used can be dangerous for them and will also hinder the cleaner’s work. 

5. Recheck the Date and Time of the Appointment

You are human and humans make mistakes. There’s a chance that you could’ve misheard the date or the time of the appointment or could’ve read the text wrong if the appointment was made online. There’s also a chance of a mistake made by the workers of the company in making the appointment or if you have rescheduled the date then they might have not made the changes. Hence it is advised to recheck the appointment schedule.


This blog shares 5 basic things which you should do before your carpet cleaner arrives. These include moving furniture, having good communication with cleaners, informing your family, pre-vacuum if possible, etc. If you’re tired of the dirty-looking carpet or the foul smell of a deeply settled stain annoys you then you should perform these things and call for a professional cleaning service. Deep cleaning for your carpets is necessary as it restores the beauty, texture, luster, and color of your carpet and enhances the outlook of your house. We hope this helped you in the way you were looking for.

Michael Hunt

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