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10 Subtle Signs Of Kidney Disease You Should Never Ignore






Kidneys are the vital organs that play a key role in removing harmful toxins from your body. Toxin removal is essential to keep the entire organ system functioning smoothly and be in good health. Unless the kidneys function optimally, you may come across a range of health issues. However, people tend to pay little attention to their functioning and ignore the symptoms associated with kidney disease.

If this continues in the long run, you may end up suffering from fatal conditions such as Chronic Kidney Disease and kidney failure. Rather than waiting for something this serious to happen, it is better to be vigilant and take even common symptoms seriously. Here are the subtle signs of kidney disease that you should never ignore.

Dry and itchy skin

Dryness and itchiness of your skin are not always associated with skin diseases. They can also be a hidden indication of low kidney function. If these organs are not able to clear out the toxins from your system, the result will appear first on your skin. Additionally, they need to work properly to keep a balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood. An imbalance is often visible in the form of dry and itchy skin. If you have been struggling with this problem and a dermatologist is not able to help, it is time to get a complete assessment from a kidney specialist.

Excessive urination

Another common yet subtle sign of kidney disease is excessive urination. This sign indicates that your kidneys are not delivering an optimal level of performance. They are probably working harder than normal to get rid of the toxins through excessive urination. You may notice that the quantity and frequency of urination are more than usual. Or you may be getting up repeatedly at night for urinating. Excessive pressure while passing urine is another symptom that you should not ignore in any case.

Bloody or foamy urine

The passage of blood in the urine is another sign that should ring warning bells. In fact, you should get immediate help if you see blood in your urine time and again. This indicates damage to the kidney’s filter to the extent that blood cells are able to leak out in the urine. Bloody urine may also be a sign of infection, stones or tumors. Foamy urine is an indication of high protein in the urine, which is a sign that you need to pay attention to.

Constant fatigue

A constant feeling of fatigue may indicate much more than a lack of rest. It can be a sign of deep-seated kidney disease, which can become life-threatening if not treated in time. A decline in the function of these organs results in toxin buildup in the system. This can lead to a constant feeling of physical tiredness and lack of concentration as well. A thorough checkup for your kidneys is a good idea in such a situation. You can also try the herbal remedies and lifestyle changes listed here to enhance the kidney and liver function. These remedies can make you feel significantly energetic and alert and stop the kidney damage as well.

Feeling cold and short of breath

Besides feeling weak all the time, you may also feel cold even when it is warm outside if your kidneys are not performing optimally. Anemia is a common complication linked with this condition. This disease is caused by a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the body and makes you feel weak and abnormally cold. Similarly, shortness of breath even with little physical activity is another side effect of anemia. You must definitely watch out for these indications and have a thorough check-up if you experience them.


Though it may be hard to believe that you may lose your sleep to low-performing kidneys, it is actually a fact. When these organs fail to filter properly, toxins persist in your bloodstream. Gradually, toxin buildup will lead to poor sleep. It can also result in problems such as obesity and sleep apnea, which are also related to insomnia. Moreover, you will probably not be able to sleep well if you need to wake up frequently for urinating.

Puffiness around the eyes

A sign of kidney damage that people often tend to overlook is persistent puffiness around the eyes. In fact, it is one of the early symptoms of the disease. When your body is unable to get rid of excess fluids, they can be seen as puffiness on the face and around the eyes. This is also an indication of the presence of excess toxins in your body.

Swelling in the ankles and feet

Apart from the puffiness on your face and around the eyes, you may also experience swelling in the ankles and feet if your kidneys are performing below par. Sodium retention is a common side effect of this condition and is often indicated by swelling in the lower extremities. If you notice this symptom, you should see a specialist as soon as you can.

Poor appetite

Toxic buildup within the body leads to poor appetite too, which is something that you may not be able to link up with poor kidney function. Gradually, you may suffer from bad breath and food may taste unpleasant and different. Consistent weight loss is another reason for concern because this will happen naturally if you lose interest in food.

Frequent stomach upset

Frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting along with stomach upset appear to be the signs of digestive problems. But they can also be a result of poorly performing kidneys. Uremia, a condition associated with the severe buildup of toxic wastes in the blood, can cause nausea and vomiting. If these symptoms occur frequently and you don’t have digestive ailments, kidney disease may be at fault.

Apparently, these signs and symptoms have nothing to do with kidney damage but they can be indicative of the serious condition. The best approach is to be aware and watchful about these signs because the timely diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease can be life-saving.

Michael Hunt

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