What’s more fashionable in 2023 blinds or plantation shutters?

what’s more fashionable in 2023 blinds or plantation shutters?

When it comes to your window coverings, there are so many excellent choices available. Some are better for privacy, while others are less expensive or simply look fantastic. Fashions can come and go, and selecting the most fashionable window covering can be tough when it changes all the time. 

Plantation shutters and blinds are both hugely popular choices, working well in any room in the house. Read on to discover why that is the case, and which will come out on top as the most fashionable choice for window coverings in 2023…

Why are plantation shutters so popular?

Plantation shutters have been around for a long, long time. Originating in Ancient Greece, these window coverings provide a classic look to your home. They are a highly popular choice now for so many reasons, some of which are listed here:

  • They provide increased privacy – the issue with many window coverings is that you have to sacrifice privacy if you want to let in light. Plantation shutters let you maintain your privacy while still letting natural light flood in.
  • The provide added security – plantation shutters provide an extra physical barrier on your windows, while also making it harder for prying eyes to see in. People will find it more difficult to see if you are home or not which can discourage burglars.
  • They are adjustable – meaning you can decide how much light you want, or all of it, or none at all depending on your needs.
  • They are thermal insulators – plantation shutters are fantastic at keeping heat in or out.
  • They add class and elegance – one of the key reasons why plantation shutters remain so fashionable is that they are elegant and add a touch of class and style to your home. Other window coverings in different colours and materials may go out of fashion, but plantation shutters tend to be here to stay.

what’s more fashionable in 2023 blinds or plantation shutters?

Why are blinds so popular?

Blinds also have a long and rich history, and are among the most popular window coverings in use still today. They truly rose to dominance over the last 50 years, and there are now many different types of blinds with nearly limitless combinations of materials, colours and styles. Some of the key reasons that blinds are so popular are:

  • They are affordable – while there are certainly premium blinds out there, you can also find blinds to suit every budget.
  • They are easy to install and maintain – most blinds can be swiftly and simply installed by anyone who wants to put them up. And once up, you can usually keep them clean without much effort.
  • They provide light control – the right kind of blinds allow you excellent control over the light coming into your room. You can allow full or partial light through, or block it from coming in.
  • You have a wide selection of options – potentially the biggest reason why blinds are so popular is the range of options. It is therefore easy to find blinds that are fashionable whatever the year. Simply pick out the colours and materials that are in this year and you have fashionable window coverings in no time.

what’s more fashionable in 2023 blinds or plantation shutters?What are some of the key trends for 2023?

While plantation shutters and blinds tend to remain popular choices from year to year, there are a number of particular trends that are topping the list in 2023. Check out our top trends to keep an eye out for below, and discover what is in, and how you might incorporate it into your window coverings.

Bringing the outside in 

One hot trend for 2023 is to focus on natural elements with your interiors, and this includes your window coverings. Consider using woven wood to make up the parts of a blind instead of plastic or metal if you want to stay fashionable. You can use many renewable materials like reeds, grasses, and natural fibres to make your woven blinds instead of classic fabric.

Bamboo is also a fashionable material for creating blinds, bringing together aesthetics and environmental concerns. This trend continues with plantation shutters, where wooden shutters are favoured right now. 

Energy efficiency is in

Along with the look of natural and environmental concerns, energy efficiency is another way that we are showing our love for the planet this year – and saving on bills at the same time. One of the reasons that plantation shutters are so fashionable this year is how they are fantastically energy-efficient. 

Plantation shutters reduce your energy bills by keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Wooden plantation shutters are excellent insulators, so you can bring together two of this year’s trends by choosing these for your windows. 

Blinds tend to be great for keeping heat out of your house during the hot weather, but are less good at keeping heat in. The increased focus on energy efficiency both for the environment and to save money on bills has led to the creation of more energy-efficient blinds. These are designed specifically out of materials that are better insulators than is common in traditional blinds.

what’s more fashionable in 2023 blinds or plantation shutters?

Automation is in

The final main trend this year is the move towards automation. Only a few scant years ago, automated window coverings were pretty much only seen in sci-fi. Or in the homes of the extremely wealthy. Now, we have moved past that to a position where more or less anyone who wants can utilise this technology for their home.

As one of the great fashionable trends this year, automation is definitely something that will set certain window coverings apart. It does not, however, help much with the blinds vs plantation shutters debate. Both blinds and shutters can be automated now to open and close using a remote, button or even through voice activation. Automation is a cool trend, but it does work with both.

So, which is the more fashionable choice for 2023?

Both blinds and plantation shutters remain hugely popular this year, and that doesn’t look likely to change anytime soon. When it comes to which is more fashionable, blinds may win for the sheer volume of choices when it comes to these window coverings. The range of colours, materials and styles mean that you can have your blinds however you want them, wherever you want.

On the other hand, when it comes to the hottest trend of the year, energy efficiency, plantation shutters take the win. Blinds may be moving towards being more efficient, but most of the blinds on the market are not there yet. Plantation shutters work wonderfully as insulators, helping to manage the temperature in your home, and saving you money on your energy bills now and in the future. 

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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