Ways To Get High: Safe And Healthy Ways To Use Cannabis

ways to get high: safe and healthy ways to use cannabis

According to the United Nations, weed is one of the most widely used drugs worldwide. People consume cannabis for their personal enjoyment as well as medical reasons.

There are several ways to use it. In addition, cannabis delivery options are crucial for medical consumers and also for those who use them regularly. This drug comes from the cannabis plant.

 People can vape it, smoke it, and drink it. However, whether one eats or vapes weed, the result will be the same. But it is crucial to know the healthy ways to consume weed.


THC tincture is a bottle containing THC and filled with CBD oil. A dropper dispenses it. People consume it sublingually, which means oil drops under the tongue. However, it is a little bit boring, except it nothing wrong with using it. It is much like that medicine, so those with any disease can consume it with this method.


Vaping is a relatively new method of injecting cannabis. Vaporizers heat the weed just below the combustion point. Individuals should use it if they are worried about their lungs and stick with edibles and tinctures.

 One benefit of using it is that vaping is less conspicuous than smoking. The less amount of taking cannabis can get you high. There are several ways to vape weed, such as:

  • A dry vape- uses flowers
  • Wax vape
  • Oil vape


A spliff contains both tobacco and cannabis. So if you are a tobacco lover, it can be a good option. In addition, it is wrapped in a rolling paper. So if anyone can’t smoke a cigarette, they should avoid it to use.


Bong is a favourite option for many people to smoke weed. It is a beautiful and straightforward contraption and is used with water. Bongs let consumer hit without wasting an extra amount of cannabis. There are two types of bongs that you can buy and use:

  • Antique bong
  • Rick and Morty bong


Since using weed has become legalized in many states, there are plenty of options available to use it. However, these methods are mainly used for lab-tested and high-quality weed products.

For a decade, homemade brownies have been a classic. However, even if edible is tested, it may be a wildcard and will affect consumers differently depending on the weed they use.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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