La Petite Perriere Sauvignon Blanc Sancerre France      



For those of you that don’t know Sauvignon Blanc is not my go-to grape variety. Hence the lack of tasting notes on said verity.
Don’t get me wrong I love Sancerre, however, the Sancerre I enjoy nowadays cost $100.00 a bottle and I refuse to pay that much for a Sauvignon Blanc!
Every now and then – I get to drink one like this – that I can enjoy drinking more than one glass of the stuff.
And much to my surprise it only cost $25.00!!!
After all that, I better tell you why I liked this wine.
First up – It “didn’t” have the big in-your-face fruit salad blend of passion fruit and distinctive gooseberry flavours of a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
This Sancerre is more in the lean green citrus-lime spectrum, with a little green apple and a dull hint of green bell pepper on a dry finish rather than sweet.
I personally enjoy the more subdued flavours of Sancerre. Not the punch in the face NZ, sort of Sauvignon Blanc.
Anyway just give it a go at $25.00 a bottle it’s a good introduction to the world of French Sauvignon Blanc. Really what have you got to lose?
PS.  More than ever try this with seafood or some sort of good quality goat’s cheese.

michael lillisthe Rot has set in.

Michael Lillis

I keep seafood of some sort in my fridge at any given time, Why because its good for you and it will go with almost any white wine you through at it.
I really enjoyed this wine with shrimp, as an aperitif to a rather big afternoon.

Michael Lillis

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