Best Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

root canal dentist

Is your favourite ice cream causing unbearable pain in your teeth? This can be a problem of teeth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth can make you wince whenever you eat or drink very hot or cold food items. Some special foods may trigger this pain and take you to an uncomfortable zone at that moment. This problem is severe and cannot be ignored at any cost. So, if you are facing this problem and Dental Emergency then you must see a dentist right away. Pick a Root Canal Dentist service in Berwick for that very day.

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity is can be possibly caused by:

  • Cavities
  • Worn fillings
  • Enamel disruption
  • Exposure of dentin
  • Gum diseases

This problem can be caused due to thinning of the enamel. Some people may naturally have thin enamel while some may unknowingly take themselves to this situation. Sometimes you brush your teeth with a hard brush or eat more acidic foods, these are also causes of tooth decay or tooth sensitivity. 

Prevention And Reasons For Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is also known as dentin hypersensitivity. If you have got this problem then there are some precautionary measures that can be brought into your daily routine. These few steps may save your teeth from further destruction:

  1. Good oral hygiene can be a way to save your tooth from this problem
  2. Proper brushing and flossing can be practised by consulting your dentist
  3. If the problem is increasing then you need to change your dietary habits
  4. Acidic foods and extra sweet dishes should be avoided
  5. Initially desensitizing toothpaste can also work if treatment is taken at the initial level

Effective Treatments For Teeth Sensitivity

To save yourself from this problem you can go for various treatments, symptoms and proper home care. These treatments will weaken your problem and make you free from this unbearable pain. Most importantly you should talk to your dentist before trying any of them. He will examine your level of problem and advise you on the best treatment for the same.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments are often recommended by dentists for this issue. This totally depends upon the level of your problem. You might get prescribed a fluoride treatment or a fluoride toothpaste. As fluoride acts as an enamel strengthening agent.

Healthier brushing techniques

Brushing techniques should be healthy and correct. If you brush harshly then also it affects your enamel and dentin. Brushing in the right way can save your tooth from decaying and rupturing. You should always be gentle when brushing.

Dietary routines 

Diets play a vital role in tooth health. Highly acidic foods and carbonated beverages directly attack your enamel. They may weaken the strength of dentin and cause root sensitivity. Not all of a sudden but gradually it keeps on weakening the protective layer of teeth.

Gum Graft Procedure

If you have lost the gum tissue around any tooth of yours. Then the gum from any other area can be applied to the exposed area to save from tooth further problems. Exposed roots can be prevented by this procedure. This will also reduce sensitivity.

Root Canal

After trying all the treatments, still, if you do not get a sigh of relief, then a root canal is the only option left. This procedure works on the soft tooth pulp. It is a significant treatment to eliminate sensitivity problems as the dentist works directly on the affected nerve that is causing the problem. It is one of the most effective processes recommended by all dentists in severe conditions.


Dental Awareness is a must for all because any problem with your teeth and gums can put you into bad situations. In this blog, we have provided all information related to teeth sensitivity, and if you have any other dental questions and problems you can always see a dentist. If you want to know What Are General Dental Services? than you can contact our experts.

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