The Dark Wave Duchess


If the most beautiful painting or the most incredible theatre piece was to transgress into the realms of music, then ABRA is the closest example of such manifestation. Her live performance has a synergy a captivation and a truth which is daring and a beautiful thing. Made stronger by its knowing of place and its presence within. The Dark Wave Duchess known otherwise as ABRA finally made her way to Australia from Atlanta USA for Red Bull Music Academy’s Road to Weekender, playing late on a Sunday night to a packed room of fans all under her intoxicating spell.

It’s impossible to describe ABRA’s music without being reductive, but in an attempt, her musicality sits somewhere between r’n’b and new wave pop- her distinct vocals like nothing heard before. With the lyrics that are universally binding, and production values that blow other contemporaries out of the water, she has gained a small but dedicated following down under. You worry though, that the first time seeing a musician with such tight production values and seemingly boundless talent, that in live performance, the illusion be broken. But ABRA does not disappoint. Even beyond the wild rapture and the sheer thrill of singing along and crashing into others down in the front row, what she makes of the Corner Hotel’s limitations is a theatrical and mind blowing thing matched only by a live performance that is better than ABRA’s recorded work.

Her set list comprised some of her better known tracks, the inclusions a clever choice. Pieced together with backing DJ- the electronic beats and production synonyms with her music extends and is here built upon. The resulting effect was one of cohesion and held the set together and continuing at a cracking pace.

ABRA has most recently collaborated wth Charlie XCX, a strong that this her star is only just on the rise, so in the back of you’re mind you’re brilliantly aware of how special it is to see her now, on her first Australian tour, in such an intimate venue, in coming years as her reputation grows (and it will) she will be packing much larger venues.  ABRA in one hour set, once and for all proved that she is so far removed from the same-same cookie cutter, auto-tuned to within an inch of it’s life crap we are so often subjected to- and its so damn refreshing. 

All up, ABRA’s set was perfection. Her live performance as good if not better then her recorder material, and I wait anticipation for her next Australian tour, for more info 

(Photo credit: The Melbourne Critique and Timothy Treasure Photography)


Michael Hunt

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