6 Ways To Vape As Safely As Possible

6 ways to vape as safely as possible



Photo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-man-vaping-2608332/



Vaping is a lot safer than smoking, and it has helped many people kick their cigarette habit. Vaping is also much less harmful to other people in your home or at work, so that’s another plus. However, vaping does still come with its own set of risks that you need to be aware of if you want to vape safely.

  • Understanding vape juice: Different vape juices have different amounts of nicotine

Vape juice is the liquid that’s vaporized by your e-cigarette or vape pen, and it contains several ingredients. The most important of these is nicotine, which is a stimulant that can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. This makes it addictive, meaning you’ll start feeling cravings if you’re not getting enough nicotine in your body.

It’s important to note that most vapers prefer e-cigarettes with lower levels of nicotine than regular cigarettes (e-juice with 24 mg per ml is typically considered strong). If this sounds like something you’d want to try out but aren’t sure where to start, pick up some vaping starter kits like this vaping starter kits in Australia.

  • Being in a closed space: Don’t vape in a closed space, especially if you live with someone who can’t tolerate the smell or the effect of secondhand smoke.

It would help if you didn’t vape in a closed space. We know, it’s tempting to get your vape on when you’re stuck in traffic or waiting for your date to show up, but inhaling any amount of secondhand smoke can have negative effects on your health and the health of those around you. Vaping is more toxic than traditional cigarettes, which already contain carcinogens like formaldehyde and benzene that are harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers.

The FDA recommends avoiding vaping if there are children under 18 present within three feet of the device being used. If you’re at home with family or friends who don’t appreciate the smell or effects of secondhand smoke (or if they’re allergic), then it’s probably best not to vape indoors unless everyone involved has consented and understands what they’re getting into from an allergy perspective as well as from a general sense of consideration for others’ health benefits (and overall comfort).

  • The way you inhale: Vaping is often a bit trickier than smoking because vaping is a slower process that requires you to inhale slower and deeper.

Vaping is often a bit trickier than smoking because vaping is a slower process that requires you to inhale slower and deeper. This can be tricky for new users, but with practice, it gets easier. You want to get the most out of your e-cigarette without burning out your lungs or throat.

The easiest way to do this is by taking slow, deep breaths when you vape. Try breathing in through your nose and filling up all of your lungs before exhaling slowly through pursed lips like you are blowing out smoke from an imaginary cigarette or joint (you’re not doing this).

While some prefer holding their breath while they vape, I’ve found that it’s best to take small puffs with quick inhalations between them (just like a regular smoker would), so make sure that you have enough time between puffs to inhale fully before taking another one!

  • Dealing with battery issues: Your vaporizer’s battery will eventually die, so you need to buy spare batteries that you keep charged at home or in your bag.

One way to vape as safely as possible is to keep your vaporizer’s battery in good shape. Your vaporizer’s battery will eventually die, so you need to buy spare batteries that you keep charged at home or in your bag.

You should also ensure that the batteries are being charged regularly and replaced when they’re dead. You should clean them regularly, too batteries can get dirty from charging and discharging many times over time.

It’s important to store your vaporizer and its batteries in a safe place where no one can access them without permission, such as a locked drawer or cabinet (or even better yet: away from others’ reach altogether).

  • Cleaning your vaporizer regularly: Keeping your vaporizer clean will make it last longer, and will also prevent certain issues such as leaks.

The best way to keep your vaporizer clean is to clean it regularly. It’s recommended that you clean your vaporizer at least once a week, but if you’re vaping more often than that (or if you have a lot of people using the same device), then you should clean it every few days.

You should use an alcohol-based cleaning solution for this task. Some people will advise using warm water and vinegar, but this can cause damage over time because the acid in vinegar can wear away important parts on the inside of your vaporizer. If you do want to try using vinegar or other acidic solutions, make sure that they are diluted enough that they don’t cause any issues with any of the parts inside of your vape pen or e-cigarette tank. If in doubt about whether something is safe for use in cleaning your device’s components, consult our guide above on how much liquid can safely be put into each part before causing damage or malfunctioning due to being overfilled with too much liquid at once!

  • Avoid knock-off models: Illegal vaporizers are often quickly made and are rarely tested for quality control.

One of the main reasons why it’s important to purchase a model that has been thoroughly tested is because knock-off models are often made with cheaper materials and may not be tested for safety. It also might not have the same safety features as an authentic vaporizer. It may even have a lower battery capacity, which means you’ll need to charge it more frequently or carry an extra battery with you if you want to vape while out on the go.


Hope that this article has given you some insight into how to vape as safely as possible. If you’re still unsure about whether vaping is right for you, we recommend talking to your doctor or other medical professionals before making any decisions.


Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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