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The Top 7 Benefits of Hiring Professional House Cleaners in Melbourne

the top 7 benefits of hiring professional house cleaners in melbourne

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is essential, but with our busy schedules, it can be challenging to keep up with regular cleaning tasks. Hiring professional house cleaners in Melbourne can make a significant difference in your life, providing numerous benefits that go beyond just a clean house. Here are the top seven benefits of hiring professional house cleaners in Melbourne.

1. Expertise and High-Quality Cleaning

Professional house cleaners have the training and experience to deliver exceptional cleaning results. They know the best techniques for cleaning various surfaces and have access to professional-grade equipment and products that you might not have at home. This means your home will be cleaner, fresher, and more hygienic than it would be if you cleaned it yourself.

2. Saves You Time

One of the most significant advantages of hiring professional cleaners is the time you save. Cleaning a house thoroughly takes a lot of time and effort, time that could be better spent on work, hobbies, or with family and friends. Professional cleaners can get the job done quickly and efficiently, allowing you to enjoy your free time.

3. Customized Cleaning Plans

Professional cleaning services offer flexible options tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a one-time deep clean, regular weekly or bi-weekly cleaning, or special event cleaning, professionals can provide the exact services you require. This customization ensures that your home is always cleaned to your standards and preferences.

4. Improves Your Health

A clean home is crucial for good health. Dust, allergens, and germs can accumulate over time, leading to health problems such as allergies and respiratory issues. Professional cleaners use high-quality products and techniques to eliminate these contaminants, improving the air quality in your home and making it a healthier place to live.

5. Reduces Stress and Fatigue

Coming home to a clean and organized space can significantly reduce stress and fatigue. The sight of a clutter-free and sparkling clean home can have a positive effect on your mood and mental well-being. Additionally, knowing that your cleaning needs are being taken care of allows you to relax and enjoy your home without worrying about when you’ll find time to clean.

6. Consistency and Reliability

Professional cleaning services offer consistent and reliable results. When you hire professionals, you can set up a regular cleaning schedule that fits your lifestyle. This ensures that your home is always clean and well-maintained, without the ups and downs that come with trying to fit cleaning into a busy schedule.

7. Increases Home Longevity

Regular cleaning can help maintain the condition of your home. Dust, dirt, and grime can cause wear and tear on surfaces and appliances over time. Professional cleaners ensure that these elements are regularly removed, helping to preserve the quality and longevity of your home’s interiors.

Why Melbourne Residents Should Consider Professional House Cleaners

Living in Melbourne often means leading a busy and active lifestyle. The demands of work, family, and social commitments can make it hard to keep up with house cleaning. Hiring professional house cleaners can alleviate this burden, providing a clean and comfortable home without the hassle.

Melbourne is known for its vibrant and bustling city life, and keeping your home clean can provide a welcome respite from the outside world. Professional cleaners can help you maintain a pristine living environment, giving you more time to enjoy everything Melbourne has to offer.

Whether you need regular maintenance cleaning or a one-time deep clean, professional house cleaners in Melbourne can cater to your needs. They bring the expertise, equipment, and efficiency required to keep your home in top condition.

Ready to Experience the Benefits?

If you’re ready to enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more relaxing home environment, consider hiring professional house cleaners in Melbourne.

Discover Orderoo

Orderoo is here to connect you with the best professional house cleaners in Melbourne. Our platform makes it easy to book reliable and experienced cleaners at your convenience. Whether you need a standard cleaning or a deep cleaning service, Orderoo has you covered.

With Orderoo, you only pay after the service is completed directly to the cleaner, ensuring you’re satisfied with the job. You can check cleaners’ availability, ratings, and reviews, and compare rates for different cleaners on the Orderoo app. Additionally, you can chat with your house cleaner after the booking to discuss any specific requirements or preferences.

Learn more about our services and book your first appointment today to see the difference for yourself. Visit Orderoo House Cleaners in Melbourne to get started.

By choosing Orderoo, you’re ensuring top-notch cleaning services that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. Join the many satisfied customers who have made their lives easier and their homes cleaner with Orderoo.


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Log Fires and Drizzle

auto draft

It’s dark out, again. The wind whips round treeless streets as thin rain stabs horizontally at the skin. Your face, smothered in various woollen wares, is almost recognisable. Instead of smiling at strangers in the street, you simply exchange dragon-like curls of breath as a parting gesture. You count down the days to the winter solstice, and then again to spring.

This is our habit, our routine, to make the frost of winter a little less icy. 

It’s so easy to bemoan the cold, to predicate the pitfalls of June. However, there are a lot of us that find a comfort in the routine of putting that final layer on before leaving the house. Taking pride in knowing which pubs boast the best log fireplaces and the smallest, least up-to-date televisions. Propped at the most awkward position above the bar. The charm of winter is not lost on me. How can you come in from the cold, if it isn’t cold to begin with?

The days are short, our bellies are full… of soup. The skies darken, as does the beer. The sparsely populated streets throw a cloak of invisibility over the hustle and bustle hidden in every bar, pub and restaurant throughout the city. Yet, there is an indefinable quality that imbues winter with a wicked magic. It’s a smell of wood-fire wafting through the air and the sparkle of a winter sun on frostbitten leaves. It’s the hanging of a friend’s coat for them at the front door and following your welcoming hug with the offer of a piping hot beverage. 

Some days you will miss the setting of the sun all together. You are greeted with an inky canvas at both the foot of the day, as well as when it draws to a close. There is a heady mystery that comes with the eternal darkness. June is a month when the sky is an unreliable indicator of time. It could be 6am or 6pm, but peering out of the window will not help you figure it out.

It is the middle of yet another year. Beachside jaunts are replaced by forested haunts. Cricket replaced by footy. Budgie smugglers replaced by thermals.

Sundays are for roasts, popping in and out of art galleries. Wet weather days are for spending in the cinema. For pints in bars where the lighting is as dim as it is outside and leaving to brave the cold is on nobody’s mind.

Music touches the ears differently during winter months. Sadder notes are reflected with more strength. The whimsy of summer is ousted by listless melancholia. Travelling the footpaths, hunched into your big coat, wondering whether a warm respite is near.

The magic of the colder months are taken for granted. Yes, you enjoy complaining about how cold it is outside, but don’t worry. Come December you can complain about the heat.

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Efficient Wood Heaters: Selecting the Best Ones

efficient wood heaters: selecting the best ones

Efficient wood fired heaters in Australia are Australia Home Heating Association (AHHA) certified. The endorsement confirms that the wood fired heaters meet the required standards for flue gas emission, power output, and efficiency. It is illegal to buy or use a wood heater that does not have an AHHA endorsement. Still, other factors must be considered when selecting the most efficient wood heater.

Choosing an Efficient Wood Heater

The relationship between fuel consumption and energy output defines the efficiency of a wood heater. These are factors to consider when choosing an efficient wood heater:

  • Freestanding Wood Heaters

Freestanding wood heaters use radiant heat and create warmth quickly. That makes them ideal for heating large spaces. They are versatile in mobility and can be moved to any location that requires heating in a house or room.

  • Inbuilt Wood Heaters

Inbuilt wood heaters or inserts are integrated into a home’s architectural design. They spread heat through convection, which requires the circulation of warm air around a room. Convection does not require excess fuel, and these heaters are suitable in rooms with limited floor footage.

  • Size of Wood Heater

Small wood heaters are suitable for heating small spaces, such as single rooms, that require consistent and gentle warmth. They can also function as secondary heat sources. The stoves are economical as they use less wood, can fit in tight spaces, and give around 5kW of heat.

Medium-sized and large heaters warm large or multiple rooms. They use more fuel, but modern models have fuel features that enhance their efficiency. An excessively big heater leads to overheating, which requires opening the windows for relief. That leads to loss of heat and inefficiency.

If a heater lacks adequate power, it suffers wear and tear due to maxed-out operation, making heating a room a struggle. When calculating the right size of heater for efficiency, consider the room’s insulation, size, and availability of windows. It is prudent to consult an expert to find the right-sized heater for efficient performance.

  • Clean-Burning Wood Heater

A clean-burn wood heater has a dual combustion system that converts particles and gases into heat. It has a secondary combustion ability, whereby wood first burns and produces smoke and other emissions. Then, the preheated air ignites the unburned gases and soot particles and converts them to heat.

That combustion technology converts nearly 90% of the particles and gases into heat. It leads to minimal smoke and emissions, which protects the environment. It also reduces the occurrence of chimney fires and minimizes the need for wood as the only fuel for heat production.

  • Chimney

A chimney’s dimensions and characteristics determine how much draft it will generate. The chimney and the heater’s door regulate the air supply to the fire. Poor regulation of air supply requires burning more wood and raises the temperatures in the chimney, which can cause a chimney fire. High chimney temperatures indicate a loss of heat that would be warming the room, which suggests a heater is inefficient.


Modern wood heaters use fuel efficiently and keep a room warm and cosy. That happens without the heaters producing unhealthy emissions. Wood heaters also serve as statement décor upgrades with bespoke features. Selecting the best one gives value for money. Efficient wood heaters support the sustainable use of wood as a renewable resource.

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Diving Packing List for Beginners: Essential Gear Guide

diving packing list for beginners: essential gear guide

Embarking on a scuba adventure promises an exhilarating journey into the depths of the ocean, unveiling mesmerizing underwater ecosystems. As you prepare for several days aboard a vessel, packing becomes paramount. To ensure your trip is seamless and enjoyable, we’ve compiled a list of essential diving gear to bring on your diving expedition. This guide will assist you in packing for an unforgettable underwater exploration. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, having the right gear is essential to make the most of your diving adventure, this comprehensive packing list will ensure you have everything you need for a successful and comfortable first scuba diving experience.

Preparing for Your First Scuba Diving Adventure

As a beginner diver, there are several essential pieces of equipment you’ll need to have for your first scuba diving adventure, opportunities to explore a diverse marine ecosystem, but the right gear is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Beyond the basic diving equipment, there are several other items you’ll want to include in your packing list for your first scuba diving adventure. A wetsuit or rashguard is essential for staying comfortable in the water, as it helps regulate your body temperature and protect your skin from the elements. 

  • Mask, Snorkel, and Fins: The Basic Trio

First and foremost, you’ll need a mask, snorkel, and fins – the basic trio of equipment that will allow you to see clearly underwater and propel yourself through the water. A well-fitting mask is crucial for a comfortable dive, as it ensures a tight seal around your eyes and prevents water from leaking in. The snorkel allows you to breathe at the surface while waiting for your turn to dive, and the fins provide the necessary thrust to move through the water efficiently.

  • Buoyancy Control Device (BCD) and Regulator: Breathing Underwater

In addition to the mask, snorkel, and fins, you’ll also need a buoyancy control device (BCD) and a regulator. The BCD is the vest-like piece of equipment that allows you to control your buoyancy and stay at the desired depth underwater. The regulator is the device that delivers the air from your tank, enabling you to breathe comfortably while diving. These two pieces of equipment work together to ensure you can safely and comfortably explore the underwater world.

Having the right diving equipment is crucial for a safe and enjoyable first diving experience. The mask, snorkel, and fins provide the basic tools for seeing and moving underwater, while the BCD and regulator allow you to breathe comfortably and control your buoyancy. By ensuring you have all these essential items, you can focus on the wonders of the underwater world and make the most of your diving adventure.

  • Wetsuit or Rashguard: Staying Comfortable in the Water

A well-fitted wetsuit or rashguard is a crucial piece of gear for beginner divers exploring the waters. These garments provide insulation, protecting your body from the cool temperatures and preventing skin irritation from prolonged exposure to the elements. Choosing the right thickness and style of wetsuit or rashguard will depend on the water conditions and your personal comfort preferences.

  • Dive Computer and Underwater Camera: Tracking Your Dives

Another important item to consider is a dive computer, which is a device that tracks your depth, time, and other crucial dive data. This information can help you monitor your safety and plan your dives more effectively, ensuring you make the most of your diving experiences. Additionally, an underwater camera can be a great way to capture the stunning marine life and breathtaking scenery you encounter during your dives, allowing you to share your adventures with friends and family.

  • Logbook and Certification Cards: Documenting Your Journey

Finally, don’t forget to pack your logbook and certification cards. Your logbook will help you document your diving experiences, tracking the details of each dive and serving as a record of your progress. Your certification cards, such as your Open Water Diver or Advanced Open Water Diver certification, will demonstrate your diving qualifications and allow you to participate in more advanced diving activities.

By ensuring your diving packing list includes these essential items, you’ll be well-equipped to explore the vibrant marine ecosystems and world-class dive sites that make such a popular destination for beginner and experienced divers alike.

Now That You Are Prepared For Scuba Diving, What To Do Next?

Diving into the underwater world for the first time can be an exhilarating yet overwhelming experience, Whether you’re heading to the stunning dive sites or exploring diving destination, this packing list will set you up for a safe and memorable journey beneath the waves. For your first diving experience, you can explore one of these safe and stunning locations, such as the islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan. The islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan are home to an incredible marine ecosystem, boasting over 250 species of coral and close to 600 species of reef fish. This archipelago is part of the Coral Triangle, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. The Nusa Penida Marine Sanctuary offers world-class diving, with the chance to encounter iconic marine life such as manta rays and the elusive Mola Mola (Oceanic sunfish). Diving in this region guarantees an unforgettable underwater experience. One of the primary draws of nusa lembongan scuba diving in this region is the opportunity to encounter the majestic manta rays and the elusive Mola Mola, also known as the Oceanic sunfish. These gentle giants are a sight to behold, gliding effortlessly through the crystal-clear waters. With the right timing and a bit of luck, divers can witness these magnificent creatures up close, creating memories that will last a lifetime. You can explore the depths of the ocean with unforgettable Nusa Lembongan scuba diving experiences and captivating Nusa Penida Dive Site adventures. These pristine Indonesian islands offer enchanting underwater worlds teeming with vibrant marine life, promising thrilling encounters and breathtaking sights for diving enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking serene reef dives or exhilarating drift dives, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida boast a plethora of dive sites awaiting exploration, ensuring unforgettable underwater escapades for divers of all levels.


What essential gear do I need for my first scuba diving experience?

As a beginner diver, you’ll need a mask, snorkel, and fins, as well as a buoyancy control device (BCD) and a regulator. These pieces of equipment are crucial for a safe and comfortable diving experience.

How important is the fit and comfort of my diving gear?

A well-fitting mask is crucial for a comfortable dive, as it ensures a tight seal around your eyes and prevents water from leaking in. Having the right thermal protection, such as a wetsuit or rashguard, will also ensure you stay comfortable throughout your dives.

Should I pack a wetsuit or rashguard for my first scuba diving adventure?

Yes, a wetsuit or rashguard is essential for regulating your body temperature and protecting your skin from the elements during your dive.

What additional items should I pack for my first diving adventure?

In addition to the basic diving gear, you’ll want to pack a dive computer to track your depth and time, an underwater camera to capture your experiences, and your logbook and certification cards to document your progress.

How can I ensure a safe and enjoyable first diving experience in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida?

By packing a comprehensive diving packing list, including all the essential gear and accessories, you can focus on the wonders of the underwater world and make the most of your diving adventure in this tropical paradise.

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Benefits of Regular Consultations with a Tax Agent

Accountants Gold Coast

When it comes to taxes, many people only think about them once a year, usually right before the deadline. However, regular consultations with a tax agent can bring numerous benefits that extend far beyond just filing your annual return. Whether you’re looking for an Accountant Gold Coast or a Tax Agent Gold Coast, keeping in touch with a tax professional throughout the year can make a significant difference in your financial life. Here, we’ll explore the advantages of having ongoing consultations with a tax agent and how this proactive approach can benefit you financially, motivating you to take the necessary steps to optimise your tax situation.

Understanding the Role of a Tax Agent

First things first, let’s clarify what a tax agent does. A tax agent is a licensed professional who specialises in preparing and lodging tax returns on behalf of individuals and businesses. They are experts in tax law and regulations and can provide valuable advice on tax-related matters. Unlike a general accountant, who may handle various financial tasks, a tax agent’s focus is solely on tax. While both can assist with financial matters, a tax agent is your go-to for all things tax-related, providing you with the confidence that your tax matters are in capable hands.

Staying Updated on Tax Laws and Regulations

Tax laws constantly change, and keeping up with these changes can be overwhelming. Tax agents, however, make it their job to stay informed about the latest updates and how they affect their clients. Regular consultations with your tax agent mean you’ll always be in the loop regarding new tax laws, deductions, and credits that could benefit you. This proactive approach ensures you’re never caught off guard by unexpected tax changes, potentially saving you from penalties and maximizing your tax benefits.

Personalized Tax Planning

Everyone’s financial situation is unique, so tax strategies should be tailored to fit individual needs. Regular consultations with a tax agent allow for personalised tax planning. Your tax agent can take the time to understand your specific circumstances, whether you’re an individual taxpayer or a business owner. This personalised approach means you get advice and strategies designed to maximise your tax benefits, making the most of your unique financial situation.

Maximizing Deductions and Credits

One of the most significant advantages of working with a tax agent is their ability to identify deductions and credits you might not be aware of. Tax agents are experts in the tax code and know all the ins and outs of what you can claim. By having regular consultations, you ensure that you don’t miss out on any potential savings. Your tax agent can help you keep track of expenses throughout the year, making it easier to maximise your deductions and credits when tax time comes around.

Avoiding Common Tax Mistakes

Filing taxes can be complicated, and it’s easy to make mistakes. Common errors include incorrect calculations, missing deductions, and failing to report all income. These mistakes can lead to penalties, interest, and even audits. Regular consultations with a tax agent can help you avoid these pitfalls. Your tax agent will review your financial situation regularly, ensuring everything is in order and you’re meeting all your tax obligations correctly.

Proactive Financial Planning

Tax planning isn’t just about minimising your tax bill; it’s also about proactive financial planning. Regular meetings with your tax agent allow you to set and achieve your financial goals. Whether you’re planning to buy a home, start a business, or save for retirement, your tax agent can provide valuable advice on structuring your finances in the most tax-efficient way. This holistic approach to financial planning can help you build a more secure financial future.

Peace of Mind and Reduced Stress

Let’s face it: taxes can be stressful. The fear of making a mistake or missing a deadline can cause a lot of anxiety. Regular consultations with a tax agent can significantly reduce this stress. Knowing that a professional is handling your taxes provides peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing that your tax affairs are in good hands and that you comply with all tax laws. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially during the hectic tax season.

Support During Audits and Inquiries

No one wants to face a tax audit, but if it happens, having a tax agent on your side can make a huge difference. Tax agents understand the audit process and can help you navigate it smoothly. Regular consultations mean your tax agent will have a thorough understanding of your financial situation and be able to provide the necessary documentation and support during an audit. This preparation can make the audit process much less daunting and increase your chances of a favourable outcome.

Long-Term Financial Savings

While some people might hesitate to spend money on regular tax consultations, the long-term financial savings can far outweigh the costs. Strategic tax planning can lead to significant savings over time. Your tax agent can help you keep more of your hard-earned money by identifying deductions, credits, and tax-saving strategies. Additionally, avoiding costly mistakes and penalties further adds to these savings. In the long run, regular consultations with a tax agent can be a wise investment in your financial health.


Regular consultations with a tax agent offer numerous benefits, from staying updated on tax laws to personalised tax planning and maximising deductions. These consultations help avoid common tax mistakes, provide peace of mind, and offer support during audits. Moreover, they contribute to long-term financial savings and proactive financial planning. If you’re serious about optimising your tax situation and achieving your financial goals, consider scheduling regular meetings with a tax agent.

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Sustainable Rugs: Eco-Friendly Rug Materials To Choose In 2024

Rug sale Melbourne

The world we see now is more environmentally and socially conscious. Whether it’s recycling waste or using materials that have fewer carbon emissions, there is a shift towards sustainability that can be witnessed globally. And using eco-friendly rugs is one of the sustainable things to observe in the modern world.

Rugs are available in materials and designs. From traditional to contemporary and synthetic rugs – there is a plethora of choices when it comes to floor coverings. However, if you are looking for natural and eco-friendly rugs, then you must research a little.

As rugs are a hot commodity and are almost seen in every home, it’s not a wrong decision to go sustainable concerning rugs. You can search however you want, from non-toxic rugs to eco-friendly carpets, and green rugs – you will obtain the same options.8

What is the exact meaning of eco-friendly rugs?

Eco-friendly rugs are made with natural materials that don’t harm the environment. Natural materials like wool, bamboo, jute, cotton, etc., are used to make natural rugs. These are also mixed with non-harmful components and combined with non-toxic dyes to become sustainable rugs.

Eco-friendly rugs are also hand-woven by proficient professionalswho have many years of experience. Machine use is strictly prohibited to achieve the complete sustainability of the rug. Artisans who create rugs will use traditional methods to create green rugs.

Using eco-friendly rugs is not only beneficial to the environment but also adds an organic and naturalistic feel to your house.

Here are the eco-friendly rug materials to choose:

Rugs Melbourne

  • Wool

When you think about natural materials, wool is the first choice that strikes the mind. Rugs made with wool look beautiful, strong, and durable. Also, wool is entirely natural and there won’t be a trace of chemical substance in it. Compared to other rug materials, wool is stronger and is much better than option synthetic rugs. Additionally, wool rugs don’t change their nature and preserve their texture even after adding colours.

Also, they are like springs and don’t flatten despite how many times you walk on them hence are great for high-traffic areas. Wool also doesn’t support mould growth and is a sustainable option for wet areas.

There are many colour options in wool – from vibrant shades to neutral hues, you can choose an eco-friendly rug that will transform your space beautifully and sustainably.

  • Cotton

After wool, cotton is the most popular choice when you search for rug sale in Melbourne. It’s sustainable, eco-friendly and biodegradable. It’s hypoallergenic, which means, it won’t attract dust and mould growth. Another great benefit is that it’s less expensive than wool, so if you are looking for affordable and sustainable rugs, cotton is the ideal choice.

Moreover, cotton rugs can hold the colour well, so you can choose vibrant colours like blue, red, orange, etc. for your home.

If you want to decorate your home with natural, sustainable, and gorgeous rugs, then go for cotton. Also, consider cotton if you are choosing a rug for your living room. They can transform your living spaces into welcoming and vibrant spaces.

  • Jute

Like wool and cotton, Jute is another natural rug material that is durable and looks great on the floors. However, it’s not soft to touch but feels firm beneath your feet. It’s also a great option for commercial floors where you want to promote sustainability through your brand.

While jute looks beautiful in its natural colour (in shades of beige), it can also be dyed with whatever colour you want. Jute rugs are an excellent option to bring an earthy feel and cosiness to your room. They also pave the way for decorating the remaining part of the house with a theme that can match the rug.

  • Bamboo

Another high-quality rug material that is durable and sustainable is bamboo. The appreciative thing is bamboo forests are highly renewable and can be grown in a matter of a few days. Another great quality is bamboo is soft and strong so when transformed into a rug, it becomes a cosy choice. Choose dark brown colours and minimalistic patterns to make your space modern and practical.

  • Seagrass

If you are looking for an easily maintainable rug material, then seagrass should be your choice. Though it’s left as is, the natural colour looks amazing and cosy in your room. It’s also highly stain-resistant and prevents the dust from settling into the fibres. Hence it’s a great option for those who can spend less time on maintenance.

Final thoughts

modern rugs Melbourne

Modern rugs in Melbourne are available in many materials and fibres. However, sustainable and eco-friendly materials are few and you have to research a little to know about the green rugs that look beautiful and modern in your home. Choosing nature-friendly materials is not only good for the environment but also great for promoting a green planet.

Author Bio:

Hi, I am Mike Morleye. As a professional writer, I put together my writing skills to share knowledge on diverse topics in a readable, understandable and appealing format. Follow me back on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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spiderbait add second melbourne show to national black betty 20th anniversary tour this august – october

Following overwhelming demand, iconic Aussie rockers Spiderbait have added a second and final Melbourne show to their Black Betty 20th Anniversary Tour, after the first show completely sold out.

The band will hit Melbourne’s Forum for two huge nights on Thursday 19 September (just announced) and Friday 20 September (sold out). After adding a second Perth show last month due to demand, the trio now plays an epic twelve shows across the nation this AugustSeptember and October to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of their seminal 2004 album, Tonight Alright and standout track, ‘Black Betty’.

Frontier members can access presale tickets for the new Melbourne show from 12pm on Thursday 13 June, before tickets go on sale at 1pm on Friday 14 June. All other shows are on sale now via

Recorded in California, Tonight Alright (2004) leant into the hard rock sound of the early-2000’s. The album debuted at No.14 on the ARIA Album Chart that year and featured the band’s most popular song to date, ‘Black Betty’. Defying age and genre, ‘Black Betty’ arrived fifteen years into Spiderbait’s storied career. The song continued to climb the charts after release, reaching the top of the ARIA Singles Chart two months after its debut and hitting the US Top 40 Rock Chart.

To celebrate Tonight Alright, Spiderbait will issue the album on vinyl for the first time. The 20th Anniversary edition – released on 26 July– arrives on limited edition red vinyl, with alternative artwork, imagery and an alternate version of the single, ‘Tonite’. Pre-order the vinyl HERE.

Renowned for their dynamic on-stage energy, Spiderbait are without doubt one of the country’s most beloved live acts. With a catalogue of music that’s distinctive and uncompromising, Spiderbait’s anticipated Black Betty 20th Anniversary Tour will see the band playing their greatest hits and celebrating their greatest hit of all. Don’t miss them playing two huge nights in Melbourne this September!

Presented by Frontier Touring & New World Artists

Runs 24 hours from: 12pm (local time), Thursday 13 June
or until presale allocation exhausted

Begins: 1pm (local time), Friday 14 June


​With special guests Polish Club
​The Fortitude Music Hall | Brisbane, QLD (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guests Polish Club
​Hindley Street Music Hall | Adelaide, SA (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guests Polish Club
​Odeon Theatre | Hobart, TAS (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guests Polish Club
​Bar On The Hill | Newcastle, NSW (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guests Polish Club
​Waves | Wollongong, NSW (18+)

​With special guest Abbe May
​The Astor Theatre | Perth, WA (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guest Abbe May
​The Astor Theatre | Perth, WA (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guests Private Function
​Forum | Melbourne, VIC (18+)

​With special guests Private Function
​Forum | Melbourne, VIC (18+)

​With special guests Polish Club
​Enmore Theatre | Sydney, NSW (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guest Adalita
​Miami Marketta Laneway | Gold Coast, QLD (Lic. All Ages)

​With special guest Adalita
​UC Refectory | Canberra, ACT (Lic. All Ages)

Patrons are advised to purchase tickets only through authorised ticket sellers.

We cannot guarantee any ticket purchase made through any means other than the official ticketing agents listed on the Frontier website.

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the david walliams book show - australian tour 2024

TEG Dainty and The Entertainment Lab are excited to be bringing David Walliams and his unique brand of children’s entertainment to Australia this September and October. The brilliantly original, witty author and comedian will delight kids with The David Walliams Book Show in cities around the country. 






The David Walliams Book Show is a one-man performance in which David shares hilarious stories about his childhood, talks about the inspiration for his most famous book characters, acts out some hilarious extracts and shares some funny fan letters.

His daytime shows are crowd-pleasers for children as well as parents and grandparents who have enjoyed the captivating and joyful stories in his 40 best-selling books for more than 15 years. It’s interactive and non-stop, a feast of fun for audiences whether they’ve read one or all of David’s books. Experiencing his in-person charm, where each person in the theatre feels like they are being spoken to directly, while at the same time being surrounded by side-splitting laughter from the entire audience, is an exhilarating experience in the presence of a gifted genius entertainer.

“Kids will have the chance to ask me anything, with a star prize for the best question!” said Walliams.

Since the publication of his first novel, The Boy in the Dress, in 2008, Walliams has revolutionised reading for children. Titles such as The BlundersRobodogThe World’s Worst MonstersSpaceboyThe Midnight GangRatburger and his most recent book Astrochimp set for release on June 26, all published with glorious illustrations, lend themselves to live readings and expanded storytelling based on adventures and characters from his own life. These come together in uproarious performances from a master of children’s entertainment.

His books have collectively spent 79 weeks at number one in the overall book charts and more than 241 weeks collectively at number one in the Children’s charts. His global sales exceed 56 million copies  and his books have been translated into 55 languages.

The David Walliams Book Show tour is taking place jointly with his much anticipated world premiere comedy tour, An Audience With David Walliams, giving Australian audiences of all ages the opportunity to experience the beloved British entertainer’s talents from every perspective. From his iconic characters in Little Britain and Come Fly With Me, to his best-selling books, David Walliams’ comedic brilliance has captivated audiences of all ages worldwide for two decades.

Tickets go on sale Friday 14th June 12pm local time.

Visit for tickets and information.

For further information, please contact


Phone 0418 468 148 – Email


Do not buy from unauthorised re-sale scalper websites.

You risk buying invalid or fraudulent tickets

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ridin' hearts festival returns to sydney & melbourne with stellar lineup this november!

Where country music takes the city by storm

Shine up your favourite cowboy boots and grab your mates, Ridin’ Hearts Festival is back for 2024! Returning to Sydney and Melbourne this November, Ridin’ Hearts is a one-day spectacular featuring a star-studded line-up of country music’s hottest local and international acts.

Following a triumphant debut in 2023, Ridin’ Hearts hits the road for a second year, returning just in time to welcome in the summer heat. ​ From the team that brings you CMC Rocks, Ridin’ Hearts brings country charm to the city like never before! In 2024, the daylong celebration will stop at Sydney Showground on Saturday 2 November and Melbourne’s Caribbean Gardens on Sunday 3 November.

Heartbreakers and Frontier Members can purchase presale tickets on Friday 14 June from 11am AEST, before tickets go on sale to the general public on Tuesday 18 June from 11am AEST. For tickets and more information head to or

This year Ridin’ Hearts is well and truly dialing up the southern charm, with a lineup guaranteed to impress! In the headline slot is none other than US country superstar Riley Green, making his Australian debut. On a remarkable rise to stardom after being named Academy of Country Music’s New Male Artist of the Year in 2020, Riley has since collected accolade after accolade with the multi-platinum selling singer quickly becoming the artist every country music fan should know about. With hit singles ‘Different ‘Round Here’ with Luke Combs, 2x Platinum heart-tugger ‘I Wish Grandpas Never Died’ and chart-topping collab with Thomas Rhett‘Half of Me’ Riley has won legions of fans the world over with his no-gimmick, relatable writing and classic feel. Having opened for Luke Combs on his North American stadium dates, with an upcoming support slot on Morgan Wallen’s Hyde Park London show and sold-out headline shows around the world, Riley Green will bring big energy to the Ridin’ Hearts stage this November! ​ ​

Returning to Australia following a weekend of spectacular performances at CMC Rocks QLD in March is one of country music’s most exciting rising stars, Cooper Alan. Releasing his latest EP Feel Like Hell Today, Cooper continues to cement himself as a fearless musician and true entertainer. He is best known for the special, self-built connection with his audience which saw 2020 track, ‘New Normal’, shoot him to stardom.

Sharing the stage with Riley Green (USA) and Cooper Alan (USA) is a line-up of artists that are sure to get you two-stepping and yeehawing; Josh Ross (CAN), MacKenzie Porter (CAN), Tanner Adell (USA), Casey Barnes (AU), Austin Snell (USA), Bella Mackenzie (AU) and DJ Konsky (AU).

“As country music continues to be the genre everyone’s talking about, we’re very excited to announce the return of Ridin’ Hearts, a one-day festival that’s bringing country music to the city”, said Frontier Touring’s Chief Operating Officer, Susan Heymann.

“The response to our debut last year was incredible and we can’t wait to come back to Sydney and Melbourne with a line up curated for the country enthusiasts, the country curious and anyone just looking to have a great day out”.

With rave reviews from fans, industry and artists alike, the inaugural Ridin’ Hearts Festival snagged the hottest international and local artists to play across the day, in a bumper celebration that continued into the evening. Epic market stalls and a range of mouth-watering food and beverage outlets provided something to satisfy every craving. Plus a raging silent disco, giant cornhole game and Brixton hat branding station for that unique edge, all amplified by the undeniable energy that only country music can deliver.

Jolene’s Diamond Club took the festival experience to the next level, offering perks to enjoy the festival in style including an exclusive bar and seating, phone charging facilities, premium toilets and powder stations to help keep the country glam on point!

Taking the city by storm, Ridin’ Hearts is ready to create memories that will last a lifetime! Don’t miss Australia’s new favourite country music festival when it lands in Sydney and Melbourne this November with the hottest country music artists in tow!

Presented by Frontier Touring

Riley Green (USA)
​Cooper Allan (USA)
​Josh Ross (CAN)
​MacKenzie Porter (CAN)
​Tanner Adell (USA)
​Casey Barnes (AU)
​Austin Snell (USA)
​Bella Mackenzie (AU)
​DJ Konsky (AU)

​General Admission (18+) $179
​Jolene’s Diamond Ticket Club (18+) $379

​via and
Runs 24 hours from: Friday 14 June, 11am AEST
or until presale allocation exhausted

Begins: Tuesday 18 June, 11am AEST 

​Sydney Showground | Sydney, NSW (18+)

​Caribbean Gardens | Melbourne, VIC (18+)

Patrons are advised to purchase tickets only through authorised ticket sellers.

We cannot guarantee any ticket purchase made through any means other than the official ticketing agents listed on the Frontier website.

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Kaelin Ellis gives us all a smooth journey through soulful soundscapes in “It’s Been A Minute”

kaelin ellis gives us all a smooth journey through soulful soundscapes in "it's been a minute"

Kaelin Ellis, the Lakeland, FL-based multi-instrumentalist and producer, returns with his latest track, “It’s Been A Minute,” marking the third single from his highly anticipated album ‘You Are Here, Start.’ Set to release on June 21st via Fool’s Gold Records, this project promises to be a genre-defying journey through funk, hip hop, electronic music, and space-age jazz.

Raised on a diet of homegrown Gospel, Madlib, J Dilla, and Flying Lotus, Kaelin Ellis brings a fresh and exciting sound that effortlessly blends various influences. Already a Multi-Platinum musician with over ten years of experience, Kaelin Ellis has collaborated with a diverse array of artists, from Lupe Fiasco to K-Pop superstars EXO.

“It’s Been A Minute” is the first instrumental track to be released from the upcoming album, following the eclectic mix of R&B in “Celebration” with TOBi and the raw, gritty energy of “Ain’t You Mad” featuring Buddy, Guapdad 4000 & Kenny Mason. This laid-back single showcases Kaelin’s versatility as a producer and his ability to create immersive sonic landscapes that captivate listeners.

In addition to the release of “It’s Been A Minute,” Kaelin Ellis is running a remix competition/campaign for the track, inviting fans to put their own spin on his music. He has also announced a series of live shows in LA, NYC, and DC around the release of the LP, promising an unforgettable live experience for fans.

With “It’s Been A Minute,” Kaelin Ellis continues to push the boundaries of his craft, delivering music that is both innovative and soulful. As anticipation builds for the release of ‘You Are Here, Start.,’ this single serves as a tantalising preview of what’s to come from this rising star in the music scene.

Stream “It’s Been A Minute” here:

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