The Useful Eco-Friendly Wedding Favours Your Guests Will Enjoy

the useful eco-friendly wedding favors your guests will enjoy

Wedding favours are a must-have for every wedding. A lot of time and thought goes into finding fun wedding favours, but they’re tough to select. When you want to do something different, it’s challenging to think of something new that others haven’t done at their wedding recently.

However, the list of wedding favours below can help.

Your guests will love these eco-friendly wedding favours

The wedding favours for guests below are eco-friendly and will be appreciated by guests of all ages.

Seed packets

What better way for people to remember your wedding than to look outside and see beautiful flowers that were grown using the same seed packets that you gave as wedding favors? A lot of couples spend the time to:

  • Create their own, custom seed packets that they add seeds to
  • Choose seeds that grow optimally in their zones

You can also find a lot of seed packets that are pre-organized and assembled.

Bamboo straws

Anyone who is trying to be more eco-friendly should know that plastic straws are bad for the environment – very bad. Plastic just end up in landfills and can take up to 200 years (for straws) to decompose.

Instead, why not help everyone at your wedding do their part for the environment by providing them with bamboo straws?

These cute wedding favours are:

  • Reusable, so your friends and family can use them for years to come
  • Better for the environment
  • Come from 100% sustainable sources

Bamboo is 100% sustainable and is one of the key changes that anyone can make to reduce their waste. If you want to help others make a positive impact, start by saying “I do” and handing out “thank you” bamboo straws to anyone who came to your wedding to celebrate.


Do you want to give your guests plants to brighten up their home but know that many people don’t have a “green thumb?” In this case, purchasing succulents may be a good idea, and your guests will appreciate the gift.

The succulents offer your guests:

  • Beautiful wedding favours
  • Eco-friendly gifts
  • Low-maintenance plants

People love succulents because they’re very low maintenance. You don’t need to tend to these mini plants in the same way that you do other house plants. Instead, they require very little water and some sunlight.

They’re also perfect in home offices.

Edible gifts

What is better than giving someone a plant? 


Wedding guests love food – it’s one of the best parts of the wedding celebration. You can make your own DIY wedding favours by opening up a cookbook and finding edibles that don’t spoil quickly and are easy to make.

Of course, you can also pay a catering company or baker to make all of the edibles for you.

Edible gifts are something that we’re seen added to bridal party boxes in recent years.

Donations to charities or organizations

If your friends and family are all well off and don’t truly “need” anything, you may want to consider donations to charities or organizations that they may like. For example, a lot of couples donate money to:

  • Cancer foundations
  • Education organizations
  • Etc.

The impact of these donations is something that is difficult to describe. However, if a family member just lost one of their loved ones due to cancer, the donation in the person’s name will be more impactful than some of the other gifts on this list. You can donate to charities or organizations of your choice.

Eco-friendly candles

One of the most universal gifts that people of all ages and genders can appreciate is an eco-friendly candle. You can find many of these candle sets for sale online, or you can decide to support small creators and purchase from a site like Etsy or a local candle shop.

Guests will love receiving a candle as a “thank you” for attending your wedding.

Soy and beeswax candles are the best choices if you want to stay with the trend of an eco-friendly wedding favour that people will appreciate. You can even try your hand at making your own candles. Many retailers sell candle-making kits, but you’ll need to have the space and time to produce them.

Final thoughts

Wedding gift ideas are changing every year. However, if you want your favours to be sustainable and eco-friendly, the gifts above are some of the best choices year after year.

Feature Image – Unsplash

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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