Saturday, July 27, 2024
29.3 C

Listen To Older Voices: Jack Levi – Part 1






[vc_cta h2=”Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves and podcast through the Toorak Times and Tagg” style=”3d” color=”orange”][/vc_cta]
listen to older voices: jack levi – part 1
Jack Levi – [CLICK to enlarge]


This is Part 1 of a 3-part program featuring the Life and Times of Jack Levi.



Jack was born in Melbourne in September of 1950 to parents, who were born in Egypt and who came to Australia in the late 1940’s.

Initially, Jack talks extensively about his parent, especially his father who Jack tells us dominated the family.

listen to older voices: jack levi – part 1
Jack’s father & mother and himself & his brother – [CLICK to enlarge]


This family role was not the case in most homes in that period but also strongly reflected the societal norms in Egypt during that time.

Jack also talks about his mother who is still alive and is approaching a remarkable 98 years of age.  He also shares his mother’s tips for longevity, a discussion that is likely to interest us all.

Jack’s story finds him recollecting his early years, his experiences as a boy growing up, he talks about his High School years as he takes us through the 1960’s.  We share in Jack’s experiences at university where, being quite studious and focused Jack graduates as a computer programmer in a period, where computers were in their infancy.

But it doesn’t end there as Jack talks about the social issues of the 1960’s/70’s, issues such as the Vietnam Conscription which he was eligible for. He tells us that he was fortunate in not having his birthday coming out in the lottery that was used to chose which young Aussies would be conscripted.

However, most listeners will find what comes next as possibly the most engaging part of Jack’s story up until now, the story of how Jack became a sucessful professional comedian, which is a story that flows through the following two programs.

Click to hear – Jack Levi – Part 1Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other

2012 to 2016   

 –  2016 onward supermarkets put junk food on special twice as often as healthy food, and that’s a problem


[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]

Rob Greaves

I have been with the Toorak Times since April 2012. I worked as Senior Editor of the Toorak Times until 2023, when I retired. I now work as a special features contributor for both the Toorak Times and Tagg. I've been in the Australian music scene as a musician since 1964, and have worked in radio and TV and newspapers (when they were actually printed on paper) as well as working in the film industry, as the Film Unit manager on Homicide for several years. I also have extensive experience in audio production and editing.

Rob Greaves
Rob Greaves
I have been with the Toorak Times since April 2012. I worked as Senior Editor of the Toorak Times until 2023, when I retired. I now work as a special features contributor for both the Toorak Times and Tagg. I've been in the Australian music scene as a musician since 1964, and have worked in radio and TV and newspapers (when they were actually printed on paper) as well as working in the film industry, as the Film Unit manager on Homicide for several years. I also have extensive experience in audio production and editing.
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