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How to work on Instagram to make it a real work tool?






By making money on the internet, many young people dream of it. Since the coronavirus health crisis, the statistics on our internet use have exploded. Indeed, we spend more time on the web, especially on social networks, like Instagram. It seems that many users are looking to make the most of this time spent on the web. The number of influencers has therefore increased considerably over the past two years. However, it is quite difficult to break into this field, since the competition is fierce and you sometimes have to persevere.

Companies, too, are not to be outdone when it comes to communication actions carried out on the internet. They work hard on their image to sell their brand or make themselves known to the general public. Companies also use social networks like Instagram to work on their image. Do you know the ways to make this social network a real working tool? Do you master the contours of the platform to make it a lever for development?

The importance of followers on Instagram

To make yourself known on one of the social networks with the largest number of users in the world, you must have a significant amount of followers. These are the term used to define the people who follow, like, and react on a given page. They shape your image and add value to your Instagram page or account.

To increase the number of followers on Instagram, it is necessary to create relevant content likely to interest users. This is often the most natural way to gain followers. However, this relies on a rigorous strategy that can take time, a real exercise in patience. If you want to work on your Instagram page right away, you can also grow your followers faster by

Buying quality followers

Indeed, if you are looking to buy Instagram followers Australia, you must learn how to do it in the right way to make this social network a working tool. This action should not be taken lightly. Not only does it represent a significant cost in your digital marketing budget, but purchases must also boost your image, but also your sales. As a reminder, buying followers on the networks offers multiple advantages: increased impact of your publications, increased sales, buzz, good visibility, and above all increased turnover.

In other words, buying followers on Instagram allows you to work effectively on your brand and increase your communication actions tenfold. However, you must turn to a professional who offers the purchase of real active profiles. You need “quality followers” who will react to your posts by “liking”, “sharing” and “commenting” on your posts on your page. Otherwise, you will only earn simple profiles that have joined your community and are not very dynamic.

Increasing the number of followers on Instagram should therefore earn you real profiles that energize your community. These are real people who drive and boost your notoriety. This point is essential given that followers draw the image and reputation of people, companies, and especially brands in the digital age.

Identify Instagram to grow your business

Instagram is a somewhat special social network. The users of this platform are attracted by all that is “beautiful” and what “catches”. If you are a company that wants to shape its reputation through this network, you must learn all the contours. Indeed, the slightest misstep and poor management could tarnish your image.

A targeted digital marketing strategy

Experts from the digital world specialize in the manipulation of social networks. Creation of rich content, planning of publications, setting up of a publication calendar, choice of themes addressed, selection of videos and images to be published… These are all actions carried out by a social network specialist. This expert must most often have specific skills to work on your company’s Instagram marketing strategy and what it is targeted. The reason is simple: you know the targets you want to reach on this network.

With your marketing department and specialists in the digital world, you will set up a personalized strategy according to your objectives. To achieve this, you will need to:

  • Define objectives beforehand and identify the targets to be reached on Instagram;
  • Choose your editorial line, essential to calibrate your content;
  • Create poignant, impactful, relevant content, therefore most often very catchy to mark your targets;
  • Define an editorial calendar and a publication calendar to choose the right moment for each type of post.

By carrying out a specific strategy in the company of a social media professional, you will know how to use Instagram in the best possible way.

Rich, original and varied content

Manipulating Instagram to attract customers, sell and ensure brand visibility relies heavily on the content posted. You must therefore have a variety of content on hand, in all formats: text, image, video, audio, etc. However, we must remain vigilant since the production of content on this social network is a real obstacle course. Keep in mind that each of the content must be of quality, catchy and original. These are risky bets as you will need to keep your audience hooked while maintaining your image.

You should also know that Instagram is distinguished by specific foundations: the enhancement of the content in image format. You must therefore invest mainly in this type of publication, without however denigrating the other formats. The trick to succeeding with each of your publications is to keep a certain balance.

Impeccable quality images

If you are a company that has made Instagram one of its working tools, carefully select the images you post. The quality must be of high definition, but also personalized and representative of the image of your company. For example, a restaurant will publish photos of its best dishes presented on a beautiful plate. We could see on it the sign a characteristic feature that makes it possible to identify the place without the slightest effort.

You must therefore work on the images to be published so that they are neither impersonal nor arbitrary. This is when you have to show a lot of imagination to remain original in all circumstances. An important challenge that you have to try to take up is to break into Instagram and work on the visibility of your business.

However, be sure to adapt the format of your images to display on a smartphone. This point is often overlooked by amateurs. A mistake not made by professionals who know that Instagram is mostly viewed on mobile apps.

Keep your Instagram account active

Movement is what Instagram followers need. They want to see news, events, reviews, stories, and photos. Users of the social network thus appreciate dynamic and very active accounts, without falling into extravagance.

To make sure you strike the right balance when using Instagram professionally, learn how to define “regular posting.” Experts in the digital world recommend a daily publication at a specific time. However, you can adjust this quota according to the objectives set in the month or week.

It should be noted that a dynamic Instagram account is linked to other social networks. You must effectively encourage maximum sharing by interconnecting your professional accounts. Integrate links in the newsletters of your company email, or on the posts of other social networks as well as your professional publications. The goal is to attract as many people as possible to follow you and react to your posts. It’s an effective way to make yourself known and develop your brand image.

Promote exchanges on Instagram

Your targets and your followers are above all a community. And since the primary role f a social network is to facilitate exchanges, you must do the same on your account or your page. To involve your community, organize events such as contests or challenges. This kind of strategy is particularly popular at the moment. You can also offer gifts such as vouchers or goodies to your customers.

As for the last point not to be forgotten on Instagram, it is the exchange with your community. If followers comment on your publications or ask you for more clarification in a message, answer them. It’s a vital commitment and it’s what describes a dynamic social network that cares about the opinions of its community.

You can also launch debates on different themes to collect the perception of the members of your community. This can be very instructive for adjusting your approach strategies. Finally, you must also respond, as far as possible, to the messages that your customers or followers send you. It is a tedious task, but essential for the image of your group.

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

Mick Pacholli
Mick Pacholli
Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        
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