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Unlock the Power of Gut Health: A Guide to Optimal Wellness

unlock the power of gut health: a guide to optimal wellness

Did you know that your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, influencing everything
from your digestion and immunity to your mood and brain function?

A healthy gut microbiome is the foundation of overall well-being, but when it’s out of
balance, it can manifest in various ways, including digestive issues, allergies, autoimmune
diseases, and even mental health conditions. Fortunately, you can transform your gut health through diet and lifestyle changes.

Down to Earth Organics, understands the importance of gut health and is dedicated to
helping you achieve optimal wellness. In this guide, we will share the secrets to a thriving
gut microbiome, empowering you to take charge of your health.

Fuelling Your Microbiome

A well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. The following
nutrients and foods can help fuel your microbiome:

● Fiber: Essential for feeding good bacteria, found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
legumes, and nuts. Aim for 25-30 grams of fiber per day.
● Prebiotics: Nurture beneficial bacteria, found in onions, garlic, asparagus, bananas,
and chicory root.
● Probiotics: Introduce live bacteria through fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi,
sauerkraut, and kombucha. Look for products with at least 1 billion CFU
(colony-forming units) per serving.
● Polyphenols: Found in berries, green tea, and dark chocolate, these antioxidants
help reduce inflammation and promote beneficial bacteria.

Examples of Prebiotic-Rich Foods:

● Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries (especially blueberries)
● Vegetables: Artichokes, asparagus, onions, garlic
● Whole grains: Oats, brown rice, quinoa
● Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans

Probiotics: Introducing Beneficial Bacteria

Probiotics, on the other hand, are live bacteria that are similar to the good bacteria
naturally present in your gut. Consuming probiotic foods or supplements can directly
introduce these beneficial strains, further promoting a healthy gut environment.

Examples of Probiotic-Rich Foods:

● Yogurt with live and active cultures (look for the “Live Cultures” label)
● Kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage)
● Kefir (a fermented milk drink similar to yogurt)
● Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
● Kombucha (a fermented tea beverage)

unlock the power of gut health: a guide to optimal wellness

Dietary Decisions

In addition to incorporating gut-friendly foods, consider the following dietary decisions:

● Limit sugar intake: Excessive sugar consumption can disrupt the gut microbiome.
Opt for natural sugars from fruits and limit processed foods with added sugars.
● Choose healthy fats: Minimize unhealthy fats and choose heart-healthy fats like
olive oil, avocado, and fatty fish.
● Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and low-sugar fruit-infused water
to help maintain a healthy gut.

unlock the power of gut health: a guide to optimal wellness

Beyond the Plate

Lifestyle factors also play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome:

● Manage stress: Chronic stress can disrupt gut health. Practice stress-relieving
techniques like yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature.
● Prioritize sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to help regulate the
gut microbiome.
● Exercise regularly: Physical activity can improve gut motility and promote beneficial
● Consider supplements: Consult with a naturopath at Down to Earth Organics about

incorporating targeted supplements like probiotics, prebiotics, or glutamine to
support your gut health journey.

By incorporating these dietary and lifestyle strategies, you can cultivate a thriving gut
microbiome and unlock optimal wellness. Remember, every body is unique, and the optimal
dietary pattern for gut health may vary. It’s essential to listen to your body, experiment with different approaches, and consult with a naturopath at Down to Earth Organics to create a personalized plan that works best for you. Share this valuable information with others and contribute to a community that prioritizes gut health.

unlock the power of gut health: a guide to optimal wellness

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How Often Should You Sharpen Your Chainsaw: Optimal Maintenance for Efficient Cutting

how often should you sharpen your chainsaw: optimal maintenance for efficient cutting

Maintaining a chainsaw in optimal condition is essential for ensuring safety, performance, and efficiency in cutting tasks. The frequency at which you should sharpen your chainsaw depends on various factors including usage, type of wood cut, and the signs of dullness in the chain. A chainsaw that is not adequately sharpened can lead to increased wear and tear, demanding more force to cut and potentially putting the user at risk. Investing in tools like an electric chainsaw sharpener can simplify the maintenance process, ensuring the chainsaw returns to peak cutting condition.

Regular maintenance, which includes timely sharpening, ensures the longevity of your chainsaw. Sharpening the chainsaw before it shows significant wear can maintain its cutting efficiency, thus making cutting tasks easier and faster. It’s important to inspect the chainsaw chain after each use and to sharpen it when you notice a decrease in cutting performance, or as a part of a routine maintenance schedule.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular sharpening maintains chainsaw safety and efficiency.
  • A chainsaw’s performance relies on sharpening before significant wear.
  • Electric sharpeners streamline chainsaw maintenance.

Understanding Chainsaw Sharpening

Proper maintenance of a chainsaw is crucial for efficient cutting performance. Regular sharpening ensures that teeth are sharp and effective.

Indicators of a Dull Chainsaw

A chainsaw requires attention when cutting becomes difficult or when it produces sawdust instead of chips. Another sign is if the chainsaw pulls to one side or vibrates irregularly. These symptoms suggest a dull chain in need of sharpening.

Selecting the Correct Sharpening Tools

Choosing the right tools is essential for proper sharpening. The size of the round file must match the chainsaw chain’s pitch. A file guide ensures the correct angle, while a flat file helps maintain the depth gauges. For those preferring powered options, electric sharpeners can be efficient and consistent.

Step-by-Step Sharpening Process

The sharpening technique involves a few key steps:

  1. Secure the chainsaw and clean the chain.
  2. Identify the leading cutter as the starting point.
  3. Place the file guide on the cutter and file each tooth at the recommended sharpening angle, usually around 30 degrees, with even strokes.
  4. Flip the chainsaw to sharpen the cutters on the other side.
  5. Check for consistent sharpness on all teeth to ensure even cutting.

Regular maintenance following these steps contributes to the lifespan and utility of a chainsaw.

Maintaining Your Chainsaw for Longevity

A well-maintained chainsaw is key to its longevity and optimal performance. This involves regular maintenance, timely chain replacement, and proper storage and handling.

Regular Chainsaw Maintenance

To keep a chainsaw in top working condition, regular maintenance is crucial. This includes:

  • Cleaning: After use, remove debris using a soft brush or cloth.
  • Lubrication: Ensure the chain is well-lubricated to minimize friction and wear.
  • Sharpening: A dull chain makes cutting inefficient. A chain should be sharpened at the first signs of dullness, or after every few hours of use.
  • Tension Adjustments: Check and adjust chain tension regularly to maintain effective cutting and reduce stress on the chainsaw bar.

For sharpening, use a sharpening tool or file guided by a vise; safety glasses should always be worn during the sharpening process.

Replacing a Chainsaw Chain

Chains will eventually wear out despite regular maintenance. Look for signs such as:

  • Difficulty Cutting: If the chainsaw is struggling to cut through wood, it may be time to replace the chain.
  • Visible Damage: Inspect the chain for damaged or missing teeth.

A chain typically can be sharpened around 5-10 times before requiring replacement. Ensure you choose the correct chain size and type for your chainsaw model.

Proper Storage and Handling

How a chainsaw is stored when not in use can greatly impact its longevity:

  • Dry Conditions: Store the chainsaw in a dry place to prevent rust and decay.
  • Clean Storage: Make sure the chainsaw is clean and free of wood chips or sawdust.
  • Fuel: For gas chainsaws, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on handling and storing fuel.
  • Electric Sharpeners: If using electric sharpeners, ensure they’re stored safely and out of reach of children.

Adherence to these points will help ensure the chainsaw remains reliable, efficient, and ready for use when needed.


A chainsaw requires sharpening after every few hours of use, especially when a decrease in cutting efficiency is noticed. The frequency of sharpening can vary depending on the wood’s hardness and the chainsaw’s usage. It’s critical to maintain sharpening routine for the chainsaw’s optimal performance and safety. One can sharpen the chainsaw approximately 5-10 times before needing to replace the chain, but this depends on the level of wear and factors like the amount of metal removed during sharpening.


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Cabrini Hospital Malvern: A Valuable Asset within Melbourne’s Healthcare Domain

cabrini hospital malvern: a valuable asset within melbourne's healthcare domain

Cabrini Hospital Malvern shines as a standout example of exceptional healthcare. This is a place where everyone who walks through the doors gets the red carpet treatment. Anyone familiar with Melbourne’s healthcare landscape knows that Cabrini is synonymous with quality care. It consistently ranks in the top for patient satisfaction among all Melbourne hospitals, according to data from Health Victoria. This impressive stat just goes to show that at Cabrini, patients truly matter and are treated with the utmost care and attention.

Comprehensive Care with All the Bells and Whistles

Cabrini Hospital is kitted out with some pretty advanced medical technology. Imagine the most futuristic imaging systems that give doctors a super clear look inside your body or surgical tools that make complex procedures look easy. Plus, they’re big on using modern tech like telemedicine, meaning you can have consultations with your doctor over video, which really simplifies follow-ups. But wait, there’s more! Alongside their renowned medical services, Cabrini also looks after your dental health with comprehensive dental services, covering everything from routine check-ups to more complex dental procedures.

Leading the Charge Against Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a major issue in Australia, being the second biggest cause of cancer-related deaths. Cabrini Hospital, in partnership with Monash University, is diving deep into the battle against this disease. Thanks to a hefty $1,350,991 grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Associate Professor Anne Fletcher and Dr. Simon Wilkins are spearheading an important research project tagged as “COX2 driven T cell suppression in the colorectal cancer microenvironment.” This project is a big deal because it aims to figure out how colorectal cancer manages to dodge our immune system.

Groundbreaking Work in Cancer Research

This research isn’t just another academic exercise; it’s potentially life-changing. By unraveling the complex tactics cancer uses to escape attack from our own bodies, the team at Cabrini and Monash is pushing the boundaries of what we know about cancer treatment. Their findings could lead to groundbreaking treatments that do more than just fight the disease; they might actually improve the quality of life for patients while they battle cancer.

More Than Just a Hospital

While Cabrini Hospital Malvern is good at research it also offers a plethora of medical services ranging from heart care and cancer treatment to surgeries and dental care—all under one roof. This means that patients don’t have to stress about hopping from one specialist to another; everything they need is right there. It’s a setup that helps patients feel less overwhelmed and more focused on getting better.

For people in and around Toorak, having Cabrini Hospital nearby is a huge relief. It provides a sense of security, knowing that top-grade medical and dental care is just around the corner. Whether you’re dealing with a small health hiccup or a major medical challenge, Cabrini’s broad spectrum of services and compassionate care make tackling health issues much less daunting. In Cabrini, the community has more than just a hospital; they have a healthcare partner committed to their well-being through innovative care and genuine dedication.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

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What Is Corporate Website Development (And How to Build One)

what is corporate website development (and how to build one)

Corporate websites are necessary for today’s market because they are so competitive. Since the internet business has increased, it is no longer seen as a nice-to-have tool but a must-have one. The business world is constantly changing, and there is still a lot of unknown ground in the market. These days, business websites and apps are essential to everyone’s daily lives, needed for everything from making purchases to getting information.

What Is A Corporate Website?

Corporate websites look professional and are unique online places where businesses can show off and sell their goods and services. Every business needs to have a website. Atypical corporate website development is more than just an online presence; it’s also a place where brand identity is built by showing the most critical information, like the business description, operations, staff, events, and customer-focused material like case studies, reviews, partners, and stakeholders. 

The company website is essential for keeping customers interested, getting comments, and giving better customer service. The primary goal is to improve the image, offer help, and work on the purpose and ideals of the whole. An entity, whether a business, brand, institution of higher learning or non-profit, should put it above the particular services or goods it offers.

Why Do You Need A Company Website? 

The main goal of your business is to make money through sales. There are lots of different ways to reach this goal. How your website looks and works will depend on your business’s goals and stage of life. For one company, the main goal is to get people to buy their goods. The main goal for a second business is to get more people to use their service. A third business needs to show what its brand is all about. Before moving on to the next step, write down your ideas and contact JTB Studios. It’s a fun job that opens up a lot of possibilities.

A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Create a Corporate Website

These days, every business needs to have a solid online footprint. Whether launching a consulting firm, providing local service, or selling goods online, your website is your virtual storefront around the clock. It’s essential that it functions properly and is aesthetically pleasing. This guide shows you how to make a website for your business:

Figure out What Your Website Is For

Determining the purpose of your website is similar to creating a road map for your virtual journey. You need to make the web work for your business, not just present yourself on it. How a website looks, what’s on it, and how it works are all based on its explicit goal. Figuring out your goal helps you make an excellent online space, whether it’s to get leads, sell stuff, or give information. 

Get a Site Address and Web Service

Selecting the ideal domain name for your business is comparable to picking the perfect sign for your store. Your web address is how people will find you, so it needs to reflect your brand. People will trust, recognize, and remember your website if you choose a good domain name. 

Make Changes to Your Page

To meet the needs of a wide range of customers, responsive design is a must. Almost half of all online traffic comes from phones, so it’s clear that a website needs to work well on both phones and computers. This way, it works well for everyone, no matter what gadget they use. 

Make A Road Map

Think of your website as a busy city with many buildings and streets. Consider a site map to be the digital city’s map. It helps people find what they’re looking for, like that guide in shopping malls.

Generate High-Quality Content

First, show what makes your business or goods better than the rest. Find the things that make you unique and let them shine. Look at your rivals’ websites to get ideas for what to write, but try to come up with something new that makes yours stand out. 

You Should Promote Your Website

Tell people about your business website as soon as it’s ready. Share something on social media, and consider having a deal for the first few people buying something online. You can also send an email message with your news using your customer list.

And remember to advertise through the people you know. Make sure to mention your corporate website development in Melbourne and everything it offers when interacting with clients and consumers face-to-face. Think about posting a sign outside your store that customers can use to access your website or scan a QR code to get straight to your page.


Going through these steps with the help of JTB Studios is what it takes to make a great business website. Each step needs to be done before moving on to the next one. These steps help you create a well-designed website that gets more users and builds trust with them, turning them into loyal customers without any problems.

Author: Jeremy Bogdanowicz is the visionary Founder and Director of JTB Studios – The Most Web Design Agency in Melbourne, Australia. He has a great love for all forms of creativity, technology, and results-driven engagement. These days He works with a phenomenal team of Melbourne’s finest; Digital strategists, Designers, Project Managers, Developers, and Performance Managers. His team is strategically led and performance-driven – creating some visually stunning work that is receiving international acclaim and recognition.

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Decking Made Easy: The Best Decking Materials for Hotter Climate

decking made easy: the best decking materials for hotter climate

Are you building a deck suitable for a hotter climate? Then you are in the right place. You will know here what materials are better suited to warmer days so that you don’t burn your feet when you step on the bare deck surface.

Not every material for decking in Melbourne is right for summer. For instance, you don’t want to build the deck using cement as the surface becomes very hot when the sun is at its peak. And you don’t want a surface that can easily expand because of the sun. So, what should you consider?

Fortunately, some materials are cooler during summer and you can walk on them without burning your feet. So if you are planning to construct a deck to enjoy the weather outside during summer without feeling too hot, then here are some deck materials that you consider.

  • Ipe

Ipe decking boards are the ultimate option when it comes to having a cooler deck during summer. Ipe consists of dense wood that retains less heat. When you use it to construct a deck, then you are doing yourself a huge favour by having a cooler deck in scorching summer. Ipe is also durable and lasts longer than you expect. Though Ipe is expensive when compared to other wood types, you can certainly get what you pay for. So, if you are a homeowner looking for a durable and cooler deck, then Ipe is your best option. It’s one of the things that you should think about before starting a decking project.

  • Cedar

If you are looking for an affordable alternative to Ipe, then consider Cedar. It comes closest to Ipe and is best for those who receive direct sunlight to the deck. It maintains a temperature a few degrees cooler than redwood and is the ideal choice for homeowners who want a cooler deck on a budget. It’s also relatively easy to maintain, however, you have to take proper care to receive its benefits during summer.

  • Redwood

Redwood is the popular option among homeowners and is the most considered material for decking. It’s not only low maintenance but is also durable and perfect for homeowners who are looking to construct a deck at a reasonable price. Comparatively, it retains heat well and is also perfect for other seasons as it stands as a statement piece.

The most attractive quality of redwood is that it doesn’t warp or shrink as softwood and retains its hard structure even in summer. Additionally, it has colour options and you can choose one that’s close to your home theme. It absorbs moisture and keeps the planks in place while also keeping your feet cooler in summer.

  • Treated yellow pine

Yellow pine is another great affordable option for those who want a practical deck at a budget-friendly price. It’s also cost-effective, easy to install, and durable. The colour of the pine will keep the deck cooler during the day and will feel cool under your skin. As it’s treated, the deck will be resistant to rot, infestation, and fungal decay. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, then go for treated yellow pine for your deck.

Should You Consider Composite Decking?

While composite decking is not summer-friendly, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider it. Though it’s hotter to touch, it loses heat very fast when in shade. The cool-off rate is higher when compared to other wood materials.

If you want to go for composite decking, then take some sample boards in different colours and place them under the sun. Feel the heat of each board and determine which feels relatively cooler in summer. And you can choose that one to install for your deck. Ideally, it’s better to go with lighter colours as they absorb less heat.

This blog also helps you when you are considering a timber deck as an entertaining area and what material will suit you the best. You should research thoroughly to get the deck you need and that will last long in your future days.

Don’t Ignore the Maintenance and Polishing

No matter what kind of deck you install, you should see that you are never ignoring the maintenance. The maintenance will help your deck stay new for as long as possible. Also, regular maintenance will ensure that your deck is free from debris, insects, and other stains and marks. While you’re at it, see that you are doing floor polishing for the deck floor to keep it for shining always.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a deck material is a task that needs careful thinking and thorough research. It also depends on the budget you have and kind of climate you live in. Always talk to the experts to know what kind of material will suit your deck if you are unsure of your decision. Also consider the colour options and ensure that it’s suitable for your home.

Author Bio:

Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive. You can follow me on FacebookTwitter & LinkedIn

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Amy Swift: Part of the next wave of songwriters in 2024

amy swift: part of the next wave of songwriters in 2024

Step into the world of Amy Swift, a dynamic singer-songwriter whose magnetic presence and soulful storytelling are turning heads in the bustling UK music scene. Amy’s journey from her early days with electro/soul group Pacific State, where she went by the alias ‘Berri Farley,’ to her current success as a solo artist and in-demand songwriter is nothing short of extraordinary.

Amy’s talent for delivering captivating vocals and weaving emotive narratives quickly garnered attention within the industry. From sharing the stage with Natacha Atlas to earning praise from respected voices like The Guardian and BBC Radio 6, Amy’s music strikes a chord with listeners, stirring hearts and igniting imaginations. The Guardian describes her sound as “stirring, tremulous, filling you up like the sunrise on your last morning, all release, all redemption” – a testament to the raw emotion and authenticity that define her artistry.

Amy’s prowess as a songwriter extends beyond the studio, with her music finding its way into the realms of film, television, and advertising through sync licensing. Her songs have graced popular Netflix programs like ‘Good Trouble’, ‘Selling Sunset’, and ‘Love Is Blind’, as well as featured in advertising campaigns, including the Summer Campaign for JD Williams.

As Amy Swift prepares to embark on her most significant year yet, her journey is marked by a trail of achievements and a reputation as one of the UK’s most promising talents. With each new endeavour, Amy continues to captivate audiences with her soul-stirring vocals, poignant lyrics, and unwavering commitment to authenticity. Stay tuned for Amy Swift in 2024.

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choose your own musical theatre adventure


 The interactive cabaret where you decide how the night unfolds

Chapel Off Chapel, Friday 3 May @ 6.00pm

Hold onto your hats and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of musical theatre with the incomparable Queenie van de Zandt! Once again, Melbourne’s unconventional musical theatre queen is dancing to the beat of her own drum with this ground-breaking twist on the musical theatre experience. In her new show, Choose Your Own Musical Theatre Adventure, the audience, using nothing but their smartphones, get to choose everything that takes place during the evening.

In this innovative production, Queenie will offer the audience  a buffet of musical delights on a ‘Les Mis Lazy Susan’ – everything from show-stopping 11 o’clock numbers to Broadway pub quizzes and hilarious backstage anecdotes – with the audience choosing what comes next! Exploring the intersection of technology and live performance, Choose Your Own Musical Theatre Adventure puts the power in the hands of the audience, allowing them to shape the evening’s entertainment in real-time, to create a much needed sense of community and fun.

As Queenie puts it, “I created ‘Choose Your Own Musical Theatre Adventure’ to not only give audiences a fun night out, but as a way of creating community, a sense of togetherness and to remind us all that life is full of adventure and possibility. With all the tragedy in the news and in a post-lockdown world, especially here in Melbourne, we all need a reminder of these things. The show really celebrates being together and the limitless possibilities of choosing the stories we listen to and create. I hope people leave the show feeling a sense of community, that life is full of possibility and that they have the power to create their world.”

Queenie van de Zandt is a dynamic force in musical theatre and cabaret, renowned for her powerful vocals and magnetic stage presence. With a career spanning over three decades, she’s earned a staggering 21 theatre nominations, with 8 well-deserved wins, for her acclaimed performances in musicals such as Next to Normal, Into the Woods and King Kong.

Join Queenie for an unforgettable evening of laughter, music, and interactive fun at Choose Your Own Musical Theatre Adventure, presented by Hey Dowling and Amazon Woman Enterprises for one enticing night only, at Chapel Off Chapel on Friday 3 May. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this unique theatrical experience – grab your seat, juice up your smartphone and take control of how the night unfolds.

bowie and mercury rising (26-30 july)

Where: Chapel off Chapel, 12 Little Chapel Street, Prahran

When: Friday 3 May | 6.00 pm

Duration: 90 minutes (no interval)

Ticket Prices: $69 standard | $64 concession (+ transaction fee)

Ticket Link:

choose your own musical theatre adventure choose your own musical theatre adventure

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MPAC presents captivating music, boundary-pushing dance-theatre and classic performing arts this winter

mpac presents captivating music, boundary-pushing dance-theatre and classic performing arts this winter

mpac presents captivating music, boundary-pushing dance-theatre and classic performing arts this winter

Monash University Performing Arts Centres’ (MPAC) program of captivating music, boundary-pushing dance-theatre, and classic performing arts continues this winter, across its stunning venues, the David Li Sound Gallery and the Alexander Theatre. Highlights include:


Collide unites three outstanding soloists in an ensemble that brings vibrancy, colour and stunning technical virtuosity to every performance. Formed in 2017, Collide has performed sold out concerts across Australia and have become renowned for their energy, enthusiasm and joy in their playing. Their innovative programming splash new colours onto classical works while celebrating new music by Australian composers.

Collide features pianist Yasmin Rowe who has earned critical acclaim as a soloist, collaborator and recording artist in England, China and Australia. Yasmin has appeared as a feature soloist with Pro Musica, Stonnington Symphony Orchestra and the Manchester Camerata as well as guest principal pianist with Orchestra Victoria and celeste player with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Yasmin will be joined by Yelian He – Cello and Joseph Lallo – Saxophone for a stunning afternoon of music.

Chinese-Australian cellist Yelian He is the winner of the 2009 Royal Over-Seas League String Competition in London and the Grand Prize and Audience Prize winner of the 2014 Australian Cello Awards competition in Sydney (now the Young Performer’s Awards). He has appeared in concerts at venues and festivals including Queen Elizabeth Hall, Bridgewater Concert Hall, Melbourne Recital Centre Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Hamer Hall, Edinburgh Festival Fringe and many more. Yelian’s nickname is the “Kung Fu Cellist”, and teaches the Chinese martial art Wing Chun in Melbourne, made popular by Bruce Lee and the recent releases of the box office blockbuster “Ip Man” movies.

Joseph Lallo is a Senior Lecturer and Associate Director at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music and Artistic Director of the Melbourne International Saxophone Festival. Passionate about performing new Australian music, he has commissioned and premiered over 60 works for saxophone. He is featured on Nat Bartsch’s latest album, Hope Renewed, a jazz reimagining of her ground-breaking classical release, Hope, and has recently spent time in the United States where he launched his new album, Traces, featuring all-new music for two saxophones and piano.

Collide is part of the 2024 Sundays in the Sound Gallery series, showcasing exceptional artists in the intimate and acoustically superb David Li Sound Gallery, on 5 May.

Eric Avery  (pictured below)

Continuing the 2024 Sundays in the Sound Gallery series, MPAC presents First Nations violinist Eric Avery. Renowned for his exquisite voice, violin and dance, Eric Avery is an exceptional artist with a rich heritage spanning Ngiyampaa, Yuin, Bandjalang, and Gumbangirr cultures. Seamlessly weaving together the violin and composition, Eric’s artistic journey is a heartfelt homage to his ancestral roots. Guided by his family’s custodial songs, he revives ancient traditions, infusing his performances with the essence of his people. His haunting compositions often feature him singing and playing violin, predominantly in the Ngiyampaa language.

Eric’s exceptional journey has earned him international acclaim, sharing stages with luminaries including Yo-Yo Ma and Tina Arena. He has secured commissions and performances with prestigious names such as Camerata Queensland, Ensemble Offspring, the JACK Quartet, along with Australia’s foremost orchestras. In 2021 he was recognised as a Myer Creative Fellow, solidifying his role as a cultural ambassador and artistic visionary. Audiences can see Eric’s show on Sunday 16 June, in the David Li Sound Gallery.

Hold Me Closer Tony Danza  (pictured below)

Get ready for a dance off with Queensland-based dance company The Farm bringing their bold, brash, and deeply seductive show Hold Me Closer Tony Danza to Monash Performing Arts Centres (MPAC) for four shows from 1 – 3 May.

Commissioned by MPAC, and making its Victorian premiere, Hold Me Closer Tony Danza is a humorous and immersive dance-theatre show that confronts a world driven by information overload. Tony asks how we can still connect with each other when we feel so far apart?

In line with their ethos, The Farm crosses art forms and genres to express what it is like to live in this time, on this planet. The Farm is based in Queensland with strong roots in Perth and Berlin. Hold me Closer Tony Danza confronts our modern world through the subversion of pop sensibilities, with an intensely satirical edge, commissioned by Monash University, Carriageworks, Dancehouse and the Keir Foundation for the 2020 Keir Choreographic Award. Taking place 1 – 3 May in the David Li Sound Gallery.

Bell Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (pictured left)

MPAC’s presentation of this performance is part of a national tour and one of eight venues in Victoria. MPAC’s presentation is one night only, and the only metropolitan location outside of the CBD.


Shakespeare’s classic comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is reawakened in this breathless production brimming with magic, mirth and mayhem. Bell Shakespeare has mastered the art of presenting Shakespeare in a manner that is accessible to the modern-day audience, while still endearing those who love the tradition. This production is quick as a shadow. Fast, funny and family-friendly, this is A Midsummer Night’s Dream reimagined, playing on 16 May in the Alexander Theatre.

Tickets are on sale now at

Monash University Performing Arts Centres (MPAC) is the public performing arts and cultural arm of Monash University. MPAC venues are vital to the cultural life of the University, and act as a window to Melbourne’s south east community, welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors to the university each year. MPAC seeks to connect, challenge and excite its audiences through the commissioning of unique works, along with curating a program that brings the best of local, national and international performing artists to its stages. MPAC is home to five venues, located at the Monash University Clayton and Peninsula campuses; the 561-seat Alexander Theatre, 130-seat David Li Sound Gallery, 150-seat jazz club The Count’s; with weekly gigs and restaurant & bar, plus the 1,598-seat Robert Blackwood Hall and 426-seat George Jenkins Theatre.

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6 Reasons to Choose Plantation Shutters for Your Melbourne Home

6 reasons to choose plantation shutters for your melbourne home

Shutters are a popular choice for window treatments in almost every part of the country. However, when choosing the right interior window shutters, homeowners often feel confused between traditional shutters and other advanced options available in the market. If you are looking for more functionality and versatility, plantation shutters are a much better choice for your home. Let’s explore some major reasons why you should choose these modern-style shutters over the traditional ones.

  • Better Privacy

Installing plantation shutters at your home, especially in street-facing properties, offers more privacy to the residents. Hire plantation shutters Melbourne experts to install such window shutters in a way that you get light into your home, but passers-by cannot see what’s inside your home. It is a great way to maintain privacy without compromising on the natural light or the outside view. Moreover, you can choose from different styles of plantation shutters, including full height, cafe style, tier-on tier, and more.

  • More Light Control

Besides helping you improve the privacy level at home, the plantation shutters can also offer better control over the light that enters through the window. If you want maximum light in the room, you can fold back the shutters completely or close with the slats fully open. You can easily adjust the slats, which lets you control the level of light you want during the day and conserve electricity. To get additional light control or adjust the level of darkness during the daytime, you can integrate black blinds behind the shutters.

  • Versatile

The shapes and sizes of the windows are not always the same for every property. If you live in an older property, the difference is even more evident. Apart from having different shapes and sizes, the windows may also be slanted with warped walls and other unique architectural characteristics. No matter how different the windows are, plantation shutters can be customised to fit them. The versatility of these shutters makes them a great choice for residential properties, irrespective of how unique the windows may look.

  • Additional Layer of Security

As mentioned, these plantation shutters offer greater privacy to your property and keep potential intruders from taking a peek at your home. When fully closed, these shutters provide an additional layer of security to your home by blocking unwanted glances of the passers-by. Moreover, the shutters do offer a physical barrier when it comes to securing your home. If you are concerned about security, you can go for aluminium shutters instead of the wooden ones. These metal shutters offer the highest level of protection to your property.

  • Easy to Clean

You can clean plantation shutters easily and quickly using a feather duster and damp cloth. There is no need to hire specialist cleaning services. Due to the ease of maintenance, you can install these shutters in high-traffic areas of the home, where you may see stains from sticky fingers, moisture in wetter rooms, or grime build-up from cooking. Choosing the right material for the shutters (wood, faux wood, or vinyl) makes the maintenance job several times easier.

  • Temperature Control

During the summer months, you can stop direct sunlight from entering your rooms through the windows and keep the temperature inside your home much cooler. Moreover, these shutters offer another layer of insulation besides your windows, helping you trap the heat inside the home and keep it warm for longer periods. In other words, these shutters make your home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.


Choosing plantation shutters for your home can significantly boost your standard of living. As you enjoy greater privacy, better light and temperature control, improved security, ease of maintenance, and versatility, these plantation shutters also improve the aesthetics of your building. While these shutters may be a bit costlier than the traditional ones, their benefits outweigh the cost.


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What Makes Famous New York Cookies So Special? 5 Tips For Finding The Best One

what makes famous new york cookies so special? 5 tips for finding the best one

New York City— a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, and, of course, incredible desserts. But there’s one sweet treat that consistently ranks high on the must-try list: the New York-style cookie.

These aren’t your average bakery bites. New York cookies are known for their extra-large size, chewy, doughy centres, and crisp, golden-brown edges. They’re often packed with melty chocolate chips, nuts, or other delicious mix-ins, making them the perfect indulgence for any sweet tooth.

But what makes these cookies so special? Let’s dive in and explore the history and secrets behind these chewy, crunchy, and oh-so-delicious treats.

A Brief History of New York-Style Cookies

The exact origin of the New York-style cookie is a bit fuzzy, but some believe it can be traced back to immigrant communities in the early 1900s. These communities brought their own cookie recipes, often featuring bold flavours and unexpected ingredients. Over time, these recipes evolved and merged, resulting in the unique style everyone knows and loves today.

One bakery that’s often credited with popularizing the New York-style cookie is Levain Bakery, which opened its doors in 1993. Their signature giant 6-ounce cookie quickly gained a cult following, and soon, other bakeries were following suit.

The Science Behind the Size and Texture

So, what makes these cookies so big and chewy? It all comes down to science!

  • Ingredient Ratios: New York-style cookies typically use a higher ratio of flour to sugar (mix of white and light brown sugar) compared to traditional recipes. This lessens sweetness and helps the cookies retain their shape while baking.
  • Egg Yolk Magic: Egg yolks add richness and contribute to that sought-after chewy texture.
  • The Power of Rest: Many New York-style cookie recipes call for chilling the dough before baking. This allows the flour to hydrate fully, leading to a chewier centre and a crispier edge.

These scientific principles combine with a baker’s touch to create those iconic cookies. So, next time you indulge in delicious New York-inspired cookies, remember the magic that goes into every bite!

what makes famous new york cookies so special? 5 tips for finding the best one

Beyond Chocolate Chip: Exploring Flavour Variations

Sure, chocolate chip cookies are a classic, but New York cookies come in a wide array of flavours to tantalize your taste buds. Here are a few popular options:

  • Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie: Calling all chocoholics! This variation is loaded with both milk and dark chocolate chunks for an intense chocolate experience.
  • Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies: For a bit of crunch, look no further. This variation features the classic chocolate chip base we all know and love, studded with chopped walnuts for an added textural surprise. It’s like biting into a party in your mouth!
  • Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie: If you’re a dark chocolate enthusiast, this is your dream cookie. The richness of dark chocolate pairs beautifully with creamy peanut butter, creating a sophisticated and deeply satisfying flavour profile.
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookie: A classic pairing that never disappoints. Creamy peanut butter and melty chocolate chips create a perfect balance of sweet and salty.

These are just a few examples, and many bakeries offer even more creative and seasonal options. So, keep an open mind and be prepared to be surprised!

5 Tips for Finding the Perfect New York-Style Cookie

Now that you know the secrets behind these delectable treats, you’re ready to embark on your own New York-style cookie quest. Here are some tips to help you find the best:

1. Do Your Research: Look for bakeries known for their cookies. Reviews and recommendations can be a great starting point.

2. Size Matters (Sometimes): While the iconic size is part of the New York-style cookie experience, don’t be afraid to consider smaller options if you’re looking for a lighter indulgence.

3.Fresh is Best: Aim for bakeries that bake cookies in small batches throughout the day. Freshness is key to that perfect chewy texture.

4. Embrace Variety: Don’t limit yourself to the chocolate chip cookie! Explore the different flavour options to find your new favourite.

5. Visit Iconic Bakeries: Some of the most famous New York cookie joints include Levain Bakery, Funny Face Bakery, and Dominique Ansel Bakery. Visit these iconic spots to taste the real deal and experience the magic firsthand.

4 More Tips to Elevate Your New York-Style Cookie Experience

Finding the perfect cookie is only half the battle. Here are some additional tips to make the most of your New York-style cookie indulgence:

1. Warm it Up: For an extra gooey centre, heat your cookie in the microwave for a few seconds. Just be careful not to overdo it!

2. Pair it Right: Milk is a classic choice, but consider a scoop of ice cream for an over-the-top treat.

3. Share the Love: These cookies are big enough to share (or not, we won’t judge!).

4. Savour the Moment: Take your time and savour every delicious bite. After all, you’re experiencing a true New York City icon.

Final Thoughts

Finding the perfect New York cookie requires a combination of quality ingredients, expert baking techniques, and a dash of love.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to indulging in delicious New York-inspired cookies that will satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. So, go ahead, take a bite, and experience the magic of the Big Apple in every chewy, crunchy, and oh-so-delicious cookie.

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