ALI’s Latest Release “Lonely” Strikes a Chord


In the realm of music, a profound power exists to transform moments of isolation into shared experiences, binding hearts across distances. Such is the essence of ALI’s latest single, “Lonely”, a raw and evocative pop anthem that delves into the depths of human emotion.

“Lonely” shares the artist’s emotional voyage, born from a moment of profound frustration and introspection. ALI candidly reveals, “That moment when you ask for help and everyone’s like ‘anything you decide will be the right choice,’ and when you finally go for it, everyone judges it and has something to say about it or would’ve done it differently.”

Created in collaboration with her producer, Yuriy Salud, “Lonely” transcends its origins as a mere song to become a cathartic journey through the artist’s emotional landscape. Reflecting on the song’s transformative power, ALI muses, “It is inspired by a moment when I felt completely abandoned, I was looking for a point of emotional grip that I could not find in anyone at that precise moment. I think that everyone can identify with the content of these lyrics, we all have had very low moments where we have felt this type of loneliness, in one way or another. 

I would like to think that the song can serve as that emotional grip point that sometimes we can’t find, and somehow it can help those who listen to it to feel a little more accompanied.

In a candid interview, ALI and Yuriy shed light on their creative process: “Everything I’m currently writing is really personal and autobiographical. It’s a direct reflexion on my journey since I moved away from home. The ups and downs of learning how things really work, in this thing called adulthood. 

Though I base my songs on my personal experiences, I’d like people to be able to identify with the stories in songs and feel whatever they might need to feel, that being nostalgia, relief, loneliness or happiness. I’d like people to feel they’re able to own them and make them personal to their own moments and experiences.

With “Lonely”, ALI reaffirms her status as a burgeoning talent, unafraid to delve into the depths of vulnerability in pursuit of artistic authenticity.


Tom L.

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