5 Ways to Safely Remove Fleas on Dogs

gigs @ dogs  this week.  soltribe live wednesday. fundraiser sunday sold out . woof ! ?

Dogs are very fond of frolicking and exploring the great outdoors. However, the outside world has always been the territory of fleas—the bane of every pet owner’s life. These wingless insects’ saliva can cause an allergic reaction, leaving itchy welts on your and your pets’ skins.

Flea infestation should be taken seriously. These parasites multiply fast, and a few can turn into a serious matter. Hence, before they can cause severe problems for you and your furry friends, here are some ways you should follow to get rid of them safely.

Give Immediate Care

Flea infestation isn’t generally a medical emergency. However, you need to bring your furry friends to a veterinarian as soon as possible if they suddenly become lethargic, lose weight unexpectedly, have pale gums, or have tapeworm segments in their stool.

Moreover, if you notice raw spots on their skin and know they have flea allergy dermatitis, bring them to a veterinarian clinic immediately. If your current situation doesn’t allow you to do so, execute first aid, such as applying flea treatments for dogs before their skin irritation or infections worsen.

Bathe Your Dogs

Bathing your furry friends is the easiest yet safest solution you can do at home to get rid of the fleas off their fur and skins. A good dip in a tub of lukewarm water along with a thorough brushing can already wash away most, if not all, of these parasites off your dogs.

You may also use soap but opt for a mild one. Others also use dish liquid as a home remedy, especially if they take care of adult dogs. However, be mindful of their usage. Some bath products could strip oil from your dogs’ fur, which dries their skin out.

Be aware of the flea products you’re going to use. Certain chemicals are found in bath and flea products that may irritate and infect your dogs’ open wounds. This is particularly crucial if they’re allergic to fleas, causing their skin to be even more sensitive.

Lastly, remember that bathing your dog is helpful but not always necessary. Other dogs may refuse to have daily baths, while some need it to treat their severe infestations. Again, it’s best to seek professional advice from your vet to know what your furry friends need the most.

Brush their Coat With Flea Comb

Fine-tooth flea combs are specifically designed to remove fleas, their eggs, and even their poop (also called flea dirt that looks dark brown or black ground pepper) from your dog’s coat. The comb’s teeth are positioned to trap fleas while allowing your pets’ coats to pass through. Moreover, they don’t contain chemicals, so they’re safe for your furry friends.

Veterinarians recommend using flea combs before using flea treatments. Since they can remove fleas’ eggs, they’re advised explicitly for dogs already infested with fleas to prevent future infestations. Additionally, pay extra attention to combing your dogs’ neck and tail areas because these are where fleas tend to feed.

Ensure that fleas won’t keep jumping away while brushing your dogs’ coats. They’re very tiny and fast parasites, so catching them is troublesome. For better results, dip your comb in a mixture of water and mild soap.

Use Natural Flea Repellents

Lemons are widely recognized for their ability to repel and kill fleas while being entirely harmless to your furry friends. Apart from dipping your combs into lemon juice, massaging it to their fur with your bare hands or dipping a cloth into it will give the same benefit, especially for short-haired breed dogs.

Take Necessary Precautions

Prevention is the best way to deal with fleas. From homemade flea collars to prescription preventatives, you can take many safety measures to reduce the chances of your dogs ever having to suffer from these parasites.

In addition, turn your house into a flea-free environment for your dogs. Clean up or eliminate potential flea habitats, commonly grass clippings, untrimmed flower beds, unpruned shrubs, long scraggly grasses, or woodpiles.

Inside your home is another potential habitat for fleas because it has food, good ventilation, and comfort, the ideal place for various pests to thrive all year round. Hence, having indoor traps or running a pet-friendly flea trap 24/7 in your house is recommended.

Consider spraying your yard with flea sprays as well. Every spray gives your property around a month-long of protection from fleas. It can also prevent your family from being infected with insect-borne diseases like ticks.


As a pet owner, always hold yourself accountable for your furry friends. Your pets rely on you to give them a good life. Hence, consider giving your furry friends additional vaccinations against flea-borne diseases. Of course, it would be best if you’ve done it right from the start, but it’s never too late to do so now. Most importantly, always seek professional advice.

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Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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