Saturday, July 27, 2024
30.4 C

Rudd on Speed






Rudd on Speed

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He’s off and running and he looks the goods, this inveterate and consummate performer. He’s like an old vaudeville song and dance man who instinctively knows what songs and jokes go down well with the punters.
And like a seasoned conjurer he’s deft at the surprise factor- pulling metaphorical rabbits out of hats.

You’ve got to hand it to him as he’s resurrected and rejuvenated the ALP’s previously dismal standing with the electorate. And isn’t Kev revelling in the spotlight. I liken him to someone binge drinking, experimenting with speed and popping the odd Viagra to see what sort of new highs he can reach.

A heady cocktail to stomach, especially for those around him…

Whereas Abbot’s thus far limp performance pales by comparison.

The budgie smuggling power peddler persona rarely penetrates in his delivery.
His unconvincing doubling up statements- his habit of repeating things twice ,
“ We will stop the boats, we will stop the boats. We will scrap the carbon tax, we will scrap the carbon tax” aren’t the stuff of oratorical legend…….

He only ‘half bar ups’ and rarely penetrates.

As an orator he’s light years from a rousing Winston Churchill or an Obama for that matter. Tony will struggle to get the punters to accept him as a Facebook Friend let alone rouse them ‘to fight on the beaches…..’

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Whereas Rudd the career public service dork knows the currency associated with a Facebook- Channel 7 linked debate and associated social media fads.
He’s been a keen student of Richard Branson’s publicity stunts over the years. Commentators have drawn comparisons with Obama’s campaigning style but the ALP brand under his leadership owes more than a passing comparison to Branson’s Virgin marketing juggernaut.

Rudd has a handle on The X Factor and what sells………

Moscow will be swarming with paparazzi and would be Slavic Starlets when the party hits town next month. I can’t see Rudd missing the upcoming G20 summit in Moscow for quids. The coverage he’ll get with the world’s leaders is pure gold for his resurrection. Let’s hope his minders restrain the quasi inebriated delusional persona from challenging Putin to any judo sparring bouts for the cameras to bolster his youth appeal.

And it’s probably a good thing Berlusconi won’t be in attendance this year.
Kev’s so fired up Silvio could probably talk him into attending one of his notorious Bunga Bunga parties.

Now how many Facebook Likes could that provoke !

His legions of Facebook friends aside the ranks of News Corp staff writers are out to deflate the new and energized Kev bandwagon. The Australian’s commentators have been tearing him to shreds in recent weeks labelling him an ‘unpredictable sleep deprived megalomaniac chameleon who would be king’ .
I’m surprised his advisors haven’t whipped up a Rudd speaking Pidgin English sound bite to bolster his PNG solution and showcase his linguistic skills and cultural sensitivity credentials now that he’s a hard liner on border protection.
Or a Youtube video showing what a playful-witty guy our bilingual Kev is.
Rudd beaming goofily showing off his Mandarin skills-

Shang cesuo de shihou women bu yingai chi fan {You shouldn’t eat while sitting on the toilet}.

Well if nothing else it’s made for a livelier viewing campaign, the previous Gillard vs Abbot was shaping up to be more Chinese Water Torture by comparison to this one.

Fabrizio Marsani

Fabrizio Marsani

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