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Pros & Cons of Getting Dental Veneers






Do you want the perfect smile? Chances are you’ve probably seen a few celebrities undergo a massive change with their teeth to give them that A-lister smile. The results are often pretty impressive, right? They often attribute the success of these dental makeovers to products like Invisalign or veneers. But they never really give us a full picture. They only highlight the advantages of doing it, which generally outweigh the disadvantages. Still, it’s helpful to know both sides.

In this article, we plan to give you both sides of the story. Here are the pros and cons of getting dental veneers.

What are dental veneers?

What exactly are dental veneers? They’re thin porcelain covers that fit over the front of your teeth to fix defects. They’ll usually mimic the aesthetic of natural teeth when done right and can make a huge difference in a person’s smile. In most cases, veneers will be the go-to option to close small gaps in the teeth, fix cracks, and any other small defects that can comfortably be covered up by a veneer.

They’re also one of the less invasive procedures done to correct teeth issues. For one, they don’t require any crowns, and they don’t need to excessively file down your teeth which is a major bonus. As the basic procedure goes, your dentist will usually design the veneer, file off the first layer of your tooth just so it has a coarse surface to ensure it sticks well and do some polishing, and you’ll be done. The whole process should take one or two visits, three at most.

Pros & cons of getting dental veneers

Now, down to the main point, here are the pros and cons of getting dental veneers. We feel that it needs to be said that most of these pros or cons are usually based on the level of service and experience of the dentists doing your veneers. It’s also not the most complicated procedure, so most dentists should do a fairly good job. Here are the pros and cons of getting a dental veneer:


They’re a good solution to minor cracks

Veneers are great for covering up minor cracks in your teeth. When installed, they’ll be glued onto your teeth with an adhesive which should also seep into the crack on your tooth adding a little bit of strength. Likewise, they’ll also cover up your crack, making it unnoticeable altogether and helping you maintain the perfect smile.

They’ll feel like your real teeth

When done correctly, veneers shouldn’t look any different to your natural teeth. Dentist study and practice for years, honing their skills to ensure they can create veneers that’ll be perfectly suited to their patient’s mouths.

They’re low-maintenance

Dental veneers are only installed on the front of the teeth, this means they make your teeth feel barely different and you would need to maintain them as much as you would crowns or bridges. In most cases, when veneers are installed, the dentist will fill in those gaps that food often gets stuck in, so you’ll have less food getting stuck in your teeth and easier cleaning.

You’ll have a confidence boost

A smile is usually the first thing people notice when you meet. For many people, being self-conscious about their smile is a real struggle. Getting veneers put in can be the first step to giving you the confidence boost you need to share your smile with the world.


There’s not much room to make a mistake

When a veneer is put on, it can’t exactly be peeled off like a piece of vinyl and then reapplied. This means that there’s very little room for dentists to make a mistake. They need to be careful that they don’t place it on your tooth skew and that they got their measurements right as well. We suppose that it’s a good reason that they have to study for so long to qualify then right?

Veneers can come off

Veneers are designed to last for 20 years or more, but there are cases where they do come off sooner. Usually, veneers pop off sooner than they should because of a bad procedure. For instance, if the dentist didn’t file down enough of your tooth to provide a decent surface for the veneer to bond to, it would probably come off in the next few years or even sooner. This is why it’s important to always go to a reputable dentist who offers guarantees in case of this kind of mistake.

Getting a veneer that doesn’t match

When you get a veneer, part of the procedure is matching the veneer to the colour of your teeth. When dentists create the porcelain veneer, they’ll use colouring to ensure that it fits in with your teeth perfectly.

Let’s be honest, the whole reason to get a veneer is so that your teeth look better and stand out in a good way, so having a tooth that’s a different colour would kind of defeat the objective right? Well, mismatching colours is a common mistake that could take place so we’d suggest asking your dentist to be extremely vigilant when it comes to matching the colours.


Sensitivity is normal when you have a dental procedure done. But we put it here still because it still sucks to have sore or sensitive teeth. After getting veneers put in, there’s a good chance you’ll feel some discomfort when eating or drinking cold beverages. This is nothing to worry about; it should pass.

Final Thoughts

As we said earlier, dentists go through a strict process to get their degrees and licences. So, the chances are that you’ll probably get decent service when you go to a certified dentist. But it’s still helpful to know the pros and cons of getting dental veneers before you sign up for the procedure so you know what to look out for. We wish you all the best!




Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

Mick Pacholli
Mick Pacholli
Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        
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