Saturday, June 29, 2024
23.8 C

Big Yard returns with wondrous shuffle pop single ‘Happy Day’






Big Yard, formed by seasoned musicians Darryl Scotti, Alex Chacon, Aaron Howard, and Larry Antonino, is back with their third single, “Happy Day”. Following the success of “Proof” and “State of Mind”, which received praise from Earmilk, CLASH Magazine, and Jammerzine, this Arizona-based collective continues to innovate within the country rock ‘n’ roll genre.

The track features a grand horn section that perfectly complements Darryl Scotti’s heartfelt vocal delivery. The arrangement is lush and well-balanced, providing a rich backdrop that enhances the song’s cheerful message. Scotti, an accomplished musician and former guitarist for Spiral Starecase, brings a wealth of experience to the table. His collaboration with Chacon and Howard, both talented musicians and producers, has birthed a sound that is both nostalgic and innovative.

The lyrics of “Happy Day” are all about spreading happiness and appreciating the present moment. The song includes a delightful homage to Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”, blending familiarity with fresh, new elements. This clever incorporation of a classic theme underscores the band’s ability to connect with listeners through both innovation and nostalgia.

Big Yard has successfully crafted a song that not only showcases their diverse musical influences but also their knack for creating feel-good music that resonates with a wide audience. With “Happy Day”, they have delivered a track that is sure to be a hit, spreading positivity and joy with every listen. Check it out now.

Tom L.

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