Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Andrew Pattie blends indie synth-pop with West African guitar in soul-stirring new single ‘You Are’






Andrew Pattie, a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, guitar tutor, choir leader, and session musician, has been making music for over a decade. Hailing from a rural Scottish upbringing, Pattie’s early exposure to an eclectic mix of genres, courtesy of his father’s record collection, sparked his lifelong passion for creating music. His latest single, “You Are,” exemplifies his unique sound and artistic vision.

“You Are” is an indie synth-pop track that captures an upbeat and dreamy mood. Pattie’s love for diverse musical influences is evident in this song, as it blends the melodic sensibilities of new wave with the intricate guitar riffs inspired by West African music. The track’s foundation lies in its synth bass, replacing the traditional bass guitar to enhance its danceable, synth-driven vibe. Mastered by Hifi Sean Dickson of Soup Dragons, “You Are” delivers a polished and engaging listening experience.

For Andrew Pattie, music has always been a therapeutic outlet. “You Are” is a testament to his ongoing journey of self-repair and mental health battles. Pattie’s candidness about his struggles with depression and anxiety adds an emotional layer to his music, making it relatable and impactful. The track is not just a piece of music but a form of artistic expression that seeks to communicate complex and abstract emotions.

“You Are” is a standout track that encapsulates Andrew Pattie’s artistic essence. It’s a beautifully crafted song that blends infectious melodies with profound lyrical themes, creating a listening experience that is both enjoyable and thought-provoking. As Pattie continues to navigate the music industry, his commitment to creating emotionally resonant music sets him apart as a truly remarkable artist.

Stream “You Are” now:

Tom L.

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