7 Smart Car Hacks For Your Next Road Trip

7 smart car hacks for your next road trip

Everyone loves a good trip with friends and family, and so do you. A good road trip with an excellent car is an experience of a lifetime. Still, minor problems can obstruct the trip. Use these seven smart car hacks for your next road trip to make your car more productive and your trip more vibrant.

1.  Good Music, Good Life.

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As underlying as this tip may sound, it’s always necessary to point this one out – have good music and parodies ready for you to play in your car for the trip. Lively music in the car will keep up everyone’s spirit. You can’t take chances of playing the music on the go with the internet, because of the connectivity issues that might happen while you are on the road. That’s why to consider importing all your songs in a USB drive or a micro SD card is essential.

With all this being said, there are two thumb rules you need to follow while picking the music you will be carrying:

  • Ask everyone’s preference in music. Some might like Jazz, and others might admire Pop or Classical.
  • Choose the songs that have excellent beats and do justice with the aesthetics of the road you are travelling through.

2.  Pack Your Essentials Smartly.

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The prominent part that creates a hassle for almost everyone is packing. If there’s even slightest of mismanagement in packing your stuff, you will have to bear the losses for the rest of your trip. That’s why you should pack your luggage smartly and try to make it as lightweight as possible. If you are planning to stack up the bags in the back of your car, you should not act on it. Consider buying a universal roof rack to save the space in your vehicle for things that you might need at hand. As of the rest of the bags, load them on the car’s top.

3.  Breaks Should Be Fun.

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While on a road trip, breaks are an integral part of recharging everyone in the car. But, who said that these breaks should be boring with people roaming here and there without any purpose. Insist on carrying some sports equipment like a baseball bat, ball, frisbee, or even a football to make these breaks more fun. You can make sides of two’s and three’s to make the game more challenging and entertaining. This way, ‘stretching your legs,’ would be more fun. These games will also aid the mental development of the children travelling with you.

If your group is the one that doesn’t like to move around too much, then consider carrying a deck of play cards, chess, or any other indoor game. Why should breaks have all the fun? You can make your ride fun too by introducing your tribe to road trip games like Dumb Charades, Name That Tune, and Unfortunately & Fortunately.

Another good game to maintain the dignity of the trip will be ‘Cut The Cords.’ Bet with everyone in the car to not touch their phone for as long as possible. The one who touches their phone first will be the ultimate gas pumper for the whole trip.

4.  Wish For The Best, Prepare For The Worst.

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Bracing yourself for unpredictable scenarios is the best choice; you have to avert any mishaps.

You might get out of your car to stretch your legs and come back to a locked door with the key still inside the vehicle. Go to a hardware store, and get your duplicate keys ready for your road trip to avoid this. Moreover, do not leave the spare keys inside your car, always pack them in a bag that you store over your vehicle.

Another useful hack is to take your car for a routine drive and see if everything (brakes, suspensions, tires, etc.) are working well. If you find something that is not working correctly, take your car to an experienced mechanic. Following this hack will make sure that things don’t go south on your road trip.

5.  Create ‘Picturesque’ Memories.

7 smart car hacks for your next road trip

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Keep your senses alert for the scenic views on the roadside of your trip. Make sure to park your car at the roadside and step out to click some pictures with the beautiful landscapes in the backdrop. These memories will stay forever with you for you to cherish. Do not back down by the thought of stopping by and rearranging everything and everyone.

6.  Safeguard Important Documents.

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This hack is for every trip, no matter if it’s in your state or outside it. You may need your documents like driving license, passport, car insurance, and other stuff. Store these documents in a waterproof and air-tight plastic bag and place the container safely in the car for the needful situation. These documents come handy on borders, and in cases where a cop pulls you over. Scan all these documents with your phone and store them in your cloud for a convenient approach and improved security.

7.  Find Out Some Night Stays Alongside Your Road.

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Travelling on the road, and staying in your car like a nomad sounds adventurous. Still, it’s not totally possible for others (kids and elderly people) with you. For making things easy for kids and elderlies, research in advance for motels, and night stations along your route. Make sure that your picks have clean bathrooms (keeping Covid-19 in your mind), Wi-Fi (to back up your memories), and good air-conditioning or heating.

If you are travelling to the countryside that may not have many motels or cafes around, you should purchase some inflatable sleeping pads to sleep in your car. These pads will add to the comfort of your car’s cozy seats and give you a good night’s sleep.

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For a more refreshed morning after a power sleep, pack yourself some coffee sachets, sugar pouches, and a battery-powered heating mug or kettle. Use these to brew authentic morning coffee to energize the whole day. An alternative to the battery-driven utensil is a stove. Carry it with you in the car, but never use it in your car. With the stove, you can cook breakfast and beverages and even warm yourself on a cold night.

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Above were our seven top hacks to make your road trip better than ever. Make sure you use these power tips to make your experience seamless. Don’t forget to carry a physical map of the place you’re travelling to, in case your phone’s battery dies or the GPS stops working. Also, do not drink and drive for the sake of everyone in the car and around it.

Planning the Perfect Road Trip

Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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