Once upon a time, video gaming was just a hobby, today it’s a calling, a vocation, a real profession that can turn you into a millionaire. While we can’t all make a living by playing games, there are many who have! And, whether you play free bingo games online or have just won the Fortnite World Cup is completely beyond the point.

What matters is that gamers are no longer social pariahs. They are the new cool, and this is exciting for at least several reasons. Well, let’s leave this aside for a moment and focus on the ways that video gamers – and gamers in general – end up making a living.

They are quite intuitive, and once we have told you about those, you might actually consider one of those professions yourself!

1. Professional Esports Players

Yes, you can be a professional esports player, and while this used to sound really far-fetched, it’s the norm today. Professional gamers compete in many different categories, including Dota 2, Counter-Strike, Overwatch, Fortnite, League of Legends, and so many others.

All of these games have their own logic, and they are still quite exciting. Sure, some games are actually bet in purely financial terms, as they pay more. An average player can be making around $4,000 for a middling team.

Then again, a top team will be paying its athletes around $7,000 and $10,000 with additional cash prizes coming in every time the team wins an event. Winning is important in professional esports, but you can really make a living this way.

Just remind yourself that there are already esports players who are actual millionaires, and this is no joke!

2. Streamers Who Game

Yes, you don’t have to game professionally actually to make a decent earning! Thanks to Twitch and Amazon, you can get a comfortable living by just playing the games you love and doing so in an entertaining manner.

Dropping insights during your live stream, connecting with your audience, and just being hilarious in general, is quite fun. The most successful streaming gamers are those who add value to their audience.

As said before, this could be some trick about the game or just a generally good mood. Some great examples exist out there, including Day9, who has been able to stream successfully for years and is a true inspiration for anyone trying to make a living this way.

3. A Professional Dungeon Guide

Have you heard about Dungeon and Dragons? Of course, you have! You can even make a living playing Dungeon and Dragons in the digital era, and this is really no joke. Professional dungeon masters exist, and they get paid a lot to do their job.

After all, story-telling is really not an easy thing, and you need to understand that finding the right person might cost you. This is excellent news if you do love story-telling and Dungeon and Dragons yourself because it simply means you can make a career out of it!

Whether it’s your full-time job or just something you do on the side for fun, it’s always worthwhile to goof around a little with it, isn’t it?

4. Becoming Coaches for Others

Believe it or not, you will get paid a lot if you are a talented theorist in video gaming and professional video gaming in particular. We are talking about esports, of course. There are many examples of great but not quite good players – or perhaps their interest really isn’t in competing as much as it’s in teaching.

Some fantastic examples have been Purge, who has repeatedly been there for many players and showed them how to progress, which has resonated with many rookie players. If you have the raw talent for gaming and enjoy creating theories about how a game should transpire, you are probably better off teaching!

There are tons of fantastic games you can teach about today, including Fortnite, Magic: The Gathering, Hearthstone, and tons of others. Each game is unique, of course, and what this means is that you will always need to keep yourself updated. But teaching is a way to always be in the know. And in case you are a die-hard mtg fan and If you are wondering where to buy MTG Arena Pre-release and Promo Pack Codes, look no further. We present you with the MTGA Codes Webstore.

Is Video Gaming to Make a Living for You?

It really can be. If you are already passionate gamers, nothing is stopping you making the next step towards enjoying a great way of life and video games as well. You don’t have to be too competitive but just remember.

If you want to make a living this way, you have to love games and honestly add value to the community. Despite all that is said about video gamers, we are all very well-connected and live in vibrant societies. If you want to be a part of this community, you will need to show some true passion!

Michael Hunt

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