How Would You Choose A Solid Timber Vanity?

how would you choose a solid timber vanity?

Are you planning to design your bathroom with all the modern setups? If yes, then you have arrived on the right page. Solid timber vanity is one of the best designs on-trend in the 21st century. A survey shows that almost 80% of the people agree upon having solid timber vanity in their houses instead of other ceramic and fiber cabinets.

Designs For Solid Timber Vanity

Most of the people of the 21st century prefer solid timber vanity over other designs. Take a look at the following points to find out the trending designs:

Classic Ebony Timber Vanity

The first thing you notice after entering a washroom is the design of the walls and, most importantly, the cabinet. Classic solid timber vanity is one of the topmost choices of the people. The classic design of wood and the soothing essence of freshly designed timber can add a new look to your bathroom. The vanity rests below the sink and you can choose this wooden vanity for your bathroom.

how would you choose a solid timber vanity?

Separate Timber Vanity

If you have a large-sized washroom, then you would have plenty of space for decorations with solid timber vanity. You place the vanity cabinets in the middle of the washroom with varieties of small plants on top of the top. It would give your bathroom a unique look. The sink might rest in one of the corners of the area.

Solid Timber Open Shelves

There are designs in the 21st century that have got several small drawers on the top and middle row to keep the toiletries. But the last row does not have any covering, and the height of the last shelf is also longer than the other above shelves. You can keep your all-time handy beauty products in tall bottles and containers, which you can quickly grab whenever possible.

Drawbacks Of Unsettled Timber Vanity Designs

There are times when you blindly trust the decorators with the solid timber vanity designing of your washroom, but they somehow mess up at the end. If you have comes across such a situation, then you can ask for a re-setup as you might face the below problems:

Waste Of Space

When you choose a floating solid timber vanity over the other designs, you lose a lot of space and it can occupy a large floor space of your bathroom. It mainly happens due to poor design as floating vanities do not float too much higher, wasting a lot of space in general. So you can customize your vanity according to your bathroom size.

how would you choose a solid timber vanity?

Sink Problem

Sometimes the designers place the sinks too high to reach for washing hands and face. It becomes a complex task overall which is of no use.

The Timber Vanity Width

Sometimes the width of the solid timber vanity is so thick that it becomes tough for you to reach the sink. You have to bend towards the sink, applying pressure on your stomach to reach the sink. It is a result of poor design as well.

Sink And Tap Placement

Sometimes the designer places the cabinet or solid timber vanity too high on the wall, so it becomes difficult for you to adjust the sink and tap location. Once they put the three at the same place with lots of adjustments, you would face the common problem of lack of space between the tap and the sink.

If you want to avoid the above set of problems, then you must choose customized solid timber vanity. You can search them online and choose the best one for your bathroom.

Michael Hunt

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