Australian citizens should not be kept from returning to Australia.
According to Amnesty International Australia, some of the 35,000 Australians are stranded overseas due to border closures and the Federal Government’s cap on returns.
So, it is NOT just Australian citizens in India, but our citizens in other countries that are banned as well.
We recognise we are NOT set up to deal with possibly thousands of Australians returning with COVID, into our Capitol cities.
However, we do have airforce bases in regional areas all around Australia – at least 18 can be ready identified.
These bases can take large aircraft. So why are we not preparing them for accepting Aussies currently located overseas and to quarantine them for two weeks and then process as necessary.
Yes, it will mean the Government spending money and it will mean a large concerted effort, but surely not one that is beyond us.
To deny fellow Australians the right to return and to threaten them with gaol if the try to return is unconscionable.
We recognise that we do need to protect ourselves from the virus going wild in Australia again – BUT we also have a moral obligation to help our fellow Aussies return.
Not to do this is a failure of the highest magnitude by Government. It is also a failure of our citizens, for not rising up and demanding the Government get them home!