Channels Festival – call for submissions

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channels festival - call for submissions

Channels Festival is Australia’s only biennial celebration of video art and culture dedicated to showcasing new contemporary moving image by some of the most exciting Australian and international artists.

Submissions are now open for single-screen videos under 15 minutes for Channels flagship screening program, Video Visions at the Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI).  It is open to both Australian and international artists.

Video Visions offers a glimpse at the shifting lens of contemporary video art and articulates the pulse, provocations and voices of artists experimenting with and extending the medium.

Submissions close:  Wednesday 3 May 2017. 

Full details: 

The selection panel that will review the submission include:  Alicia Renew, Artistic Director, Channels Festival; Dylan Rainforth, freelance arts editor; Serena Bently, Curator, Australian Centre for Moving Image; and Eugenia Lim, video, performance and installation artist 

Channels Festival is a dynamic and inclusive festival of public engagement programs, free exhibitions, screenings and international and online programs, 1 – 10 September 2017.

Channels Festival, 1 – 10 September 2017.

Channels Festival is supported by:

Major Partners: 
THE SUBSTATION, Australia Council of the Arts, City of Melbourne.

Creative Partners: 
Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI), BLINDSIDE, Federation Big Screen, Centre for Contemporary Photography (CCP), Incinerator Gallery, Interval.

Supporting Partners:

Hobsons Bay City Council, FilmFreeway

mick small pt
Mick Pacholli

Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his fathers publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry. Mick has also created a number of local festivals and is involved in not for profit and supporting local charities.        

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